Hi guys! Yesterday was a beautiful day here in the south. It got a little too warm for November (78 degrees) but the morning was just perfect for the YMCA grand opening and the St. Jude give thanks walk. Our neighborhood was selected again this year to be the build site for the St. Jude Dream home, so we hosted a charity walk this morning in conjunction with our new gym’s grand opening. Bobby and I did not participate in the walk (I waved from the front porch) but we did walk down to the Y for the grand opening fun. (You can check out my original YMCA post, too.)
This is walking up to the building from our house.
We arrived just as they were doing the ribbon cutting.
The market and café are not open just yet but they had menus we could look at and some prize giveaways
Then, we got to go in and tour the facility. I was pretty impressed. I didn’t see how they were going to fit enough equipment in there to make it a well done gym, but it has pretty much everything we will need to workout, and all within walking distance!
Looking out from the fitness room to the pool and lake
Looking across the lake to the nature trails
There is even a child watch area so moms can come workout even if they have small children. (it’s through a door back behind the counter and there is a big window so you can see in and check on the kiddos)
Lockers and bathrooms by the door heading out to the pool
excited to attend some (hopefully) yoga classes in here!
I thought this sign was funny. Closed for construction….and water. Yes yes, the pool doesn’t have water in it yet.
They had some refreshments, and YMCA staff members to show us around. I am personally excited about the TV’s on the treadmills, say no to treadmill boredom! There is even a place to hook up your I pod to the treadmill.
After the grand opening fun, we walked back to the house and grabbed a couple things and went out for an easy 3 mile run, my foot felt alright so hopefully I am on the road to recovery! Then we hit up our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch and went to Lowe’s to get some Christmas garland for outside. I can’t wait to get the outside of the house decked out for Christmas next weekend! Then it was football, football, and more football. What a great day. The Saints have a bye week so I can relax and not have a near heat attack for just one Sunday.
QOTD: When you run on the Treadmill do you listen to music, watch tv, neither? Something else?

Oh wow! The new YMCA looks amazing :). I think it’s funny the pool doesn’t have water yet but it sounds like you might need it soon if it’s 78 there, that’s crazy warm and I live in SC and it’s warm here too.
If I’m doing a relaxing run on the treadmill, I usually watch TV. If I’m doing intervals or something tougher, I usually listen to music.
Looks nice! I prefer TV on the TM, but I have a special fast playlist on my iPod if there’s no TV, or if I need to hit it hard. 😉
Looks like a beautiful new facility! I avoid the treadmill at all costs! But, if I do ever have to run on it, I cover the screen with a towel, once I get the settings in there. Then I listen to music. I’m fairly clumsy, so I have to focus on running, vice watching TV…don’t want to fly off the back!
ew…treadmill! lol. I guess TV if it’s available. I’d prefer to read, but it’s kind of difficult. I never could get the hang of it like some girls did in college…
TV or Music for sure!!