Wow. 10. whole. years. I truly and honestly cannot believe I made it this far. 10 years ago I was just a newbie runner looking for a way to track my long-distance running progress. I figured if I posted about my workouts and running updates, it would help hold me accountable.

I ended up falling in love with this creative outlet called Running With Sass, and a fun little hobby became a way for me to bring in money to support my family. My blog has been through a lot, including a rebrand to THLG when I realized after a few years I had a lot more to talk about than just running. Thankfully you, my wonderful readers, were so kind and understanding when I made the switch, and have stuck around as I have made many changes.

You have been with me through blogging seven days a week and blogging every other week when I had a newborn or was in the middle of a big life change. You followed me to Twitter then Facebook then Instagram, and we have made wonderful memories on multiple platforms. You have given me feedback, encouragement, and on hard days reminded me why I continued to write. I am so thankful for you all and I hope we have many more fun memories to come.

It’s comical when I look back over the past ten years and think about how different my life would be without THLG. So much of my day and plans revolve around this little corner of the world. Some of my best friends came from blogging, so many travels, learning experiences, and yes even heartache. I sometimes forget that most people don’t quite understand what I do, how I make money, or even why I would continue on for so long, and it can be really hard to explain. This blog truly is my baby, and I would feel lost without it. It brings tears to my eyes to think about not writing, conversing, working, and planning, so I hope to keep going for as long as I can.

So really, I guess I just want to say thank you. No matter if you have been reading for ten years or ten seconds, thank you for being a part of what has made THLG so special to me. I may not have the readership I once had, and that’s ok. Things change, people change, writing changes needs change, and the show must go on. But no matter what season I am in, I will forever be thankful for those of you who keep me going every day. I love yall and am so, so truly blessed to get to wake up in the morning and do this for a living. As we close out 2019, I don’t have any profound words of “big changes” coming or new things, I simply want to just continue to do what feels natural and right for me, which sometimes changes by the day, ha.

Thanks again for your support over the last ten years, here’s to 10 more years of blogging!
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