How did we get here? 12 years of blogging! My life looks so different than I thought it would. Starting a blog 12 years ago as basically a running training journal and turning it into a career has been a wild ride. It is still so weird when people ask me what I do for a living, I’m never quite sure exactly how to articulate it without them thinking it’s fake or just something a bored housewife does. I have had a lot of jobs and I can say this one has been the most rewarding but also the hardest! However, I wouldn’t change a thing as it has grown me so much as a person.
I have learned accounting, negotiations, computer, business, legal, writing, social media, photography, and so many other skills along the way. You have watched me announce my pregnancy and have seen my daughter grow up on the screen. I have loved sharing the good times and even the hard time with you all.
You have seen us grow and change, move houses many times, say goodbye to family members, and gain new ones.
I may not blog every day like I used to, but Through Heather’s Looking Glass is still my baby, and I enjoy being able to come here and use it as an outlet to share my thoughts and feelings, information and ideas, or just a good laugh. I love hearing from some of you that you have been here since the Running With Sass days, it brings my heart such joy to know you have stuck it out with me all these years. You, my readers and followers are truly important to me, and I am SO so grateful for each and every one of you. Your reading of my posts, likes, shares, and comments never go unnoticed and are so appreciated to keep this little corner of the internet running.
So thank you for reading and following along through the ups and downs, changes and madness that is my life. I am forever grateful. Lord willing I will keep this going as long as I am able, and hope to get to share many more joyful moments with you all this coming year.
So here’s to year 13 of THLG, may it be bigger and better than ever. Cheers!
Related: 9 year blogiversary

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