Wow. Yall, I have no words. I have been doing this for thirteen years. As I look back over the years, I can’t help but laugh (and not just at how horrible those first posts were!) I went to college, didn’t know what I wanted to do. Got a degree in Psychology because I figured, no matter what I do, this can be helpful. Ended up getting a license to teach school. Taught for two years. Got into blogging, and now I create content FULL TIME (with lots of random digital, travel agent, social media, and influencer marketing jobs mixed in over the years!)
Back in February, I took on a full time job. Bobby works on commission and they were going through a rough time at work, and I wanted to move to Tennessee. I knew the only way was to get a full time job. I landed on in influencer marketing in February, and we planned our move (FINALLY!) Things went well for several months, but after we moved in June, a mixture of things happened at work that I didn’t agree with combined with my influencer work growing exponentially by living in Tennessee (I was SO busy y’all. and burnt out. Working 60-70 hours a week.) I took a leap of faith and quit my job in September. (You are the first to hear this, I never announced it on social media!)
It came at a great time right before my Q4 busy season, and looking back, there is NO WAY I could be doing both jobs right now. I am so slammed (in a good way!) with content creation, and I love it! God has blessed us so much this year after several rough ones, and we are so thankful.
So let’s back up again. If you would have told me 13 years ago I would be making almost double per month that I was making in my full time job by creating content for social media and my blog, I would have first been confused (what’s social media?) and then laughed. The truth is, this little blog has changed the ENTIRE course of my life. So many arms of who I am are tied up in what I do online, where we go, what we eat, who I am friends with, it’s just all so crazy and I love it. It is so true that one decision can change the course of your life, and I’m so glad I decided to start this little “online training journal” back in 2009.
So I say this to you. It’s not too late. It’s never too late. If you have a dream, take one step in that direction today, and watch the next one come to life. I’m not saying it will happen overnight, but big things can happen, but you have to take the first step. No one can do it for you, or do it in the way that makes the most sense for YOU.
I know I don’t write on here as often as I used to (that full time job really made me have to triage all the things) but I am hoping to be here more often in 2023. But for now, you can find me daily on Instagram and TikTok. Thank you for sticking with me, for supporting my dream, and helping me reach my goals. This wouldn’t be possible without you, my readers and followers, and I am forever indebted to you, my dream team! I love you all!
Already looking ahead to 14,

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