Well. I am several weeks behind in posting this, if that is any indicator of how busy the past 3 months have been for me! But busy is good. Busy is job security. Job. It still makes me chuckle that THIS IS MY JOB. 14 years (and three weeks) after I hit publish on that first post on what was then “Running With Sass,” and I had no idea what door I was opening.
I posted on Instagram a couple of days go a post about how we are all one decision away from a totally different life, an dI wholeheartedly believe that. Look at me. I made that ONE decision to start a blog, and fast forward to 2023 and I am hit huge goals I made for myself back in January, doing this full time, as a business. I mean wow. All because of that one decision.
I understand that feeling of longing. Of feeling like there is something missing. Like there is something MORE to your life and you just don’t know what it is. I get it. I have been there. Sometimes I still feel like I am there. Not everyone is designed to blog or create social media content, so I am not saying that’s necessarily what you should do. But what I AM saying is do something. Make a decision. A step in a direction. Don’t let 2024 go by just like 2023 went by just waiting for something to fall into your lap. Sure it’s possible that can happen, but not probable.
Take some initiative and just start moving. Start writing. Start walking. Start making phone calls. Start checking the job boards. Start researching churches. Start praying for who you are meant to be with. Just START! I am so passionate about this because I know how some of you feel and I want you to experience the Freeing feeling that I have (most of the time, haha.) I am cheering for you.
I haven’t truly had time to sit down and think out my goals for this next year in my little business, or for 2024 as a whole, but I love the feeling of a blank slate. A chance to make changes, and write my own story, like I have done on these “pages” of my blog. I honestly don’t know what will happen in year 14, but I am excited to find out, and to make small decisions daily that will add up to something big.
I love yall so much, and am more thankful than you will ever know. I truly mean that. Your comments, likes, shares, prayers, and encouragement have kept me going on so many hard days. This job isn’t for the thin skinned, but gosh I love it. I am so thankful. I have done nothing to deserve this life I live, but man, God is so gracious and faithful. I am a testament to that. Thank you all.
Cheers to another year in this digital world. Thank you for being a part of it. <3
Related: 4 Year Blogiversary

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