On Friday I shared with you a recap of my 2015 goals and how I felt I did during the year at achieving them. Now it’s time to look forward to 2016 which will be here in (literally) the blink of an eye and see what I have planned. You know, things like creating a hover car and revolutionizing the way we do dishes. I wish. Instead, here is what I’m looking at:
1.) PR at any distance: I had this goal last year and I liked it, because it didn’t put pressure on a certain distance, just on me bettering myself as a runner in general. While I do have some more race specific goals in mind, I think with what I think will be a crazy and unpredictable 2016, this goal will suffice. Also, that was really good champagne.
2.) Take Emma Kate to Walt Disney World: Everyone assumes because I book Disney travel I would have taken Emma Kate to Disney by now, but the truth is, there are several reasons she hasn’t gone, but I see many, many tips in her future! One reason is she is still taking two naps most days and will NOT sleep in her stroller, so I’m not even sure how we would go to the parks with her napping at 10:00 and 2:30 most days. She is in transition to one nap which I think will make Disney easier for this non-stroller sleeping little one. Soon young grasshopper, soon! Another thing stopping us is my parents really want to go when she goes for the first time, and they have had a crazy year and won’t be able to go until later in 2016. Lastly, we wanted to take her when she was a bit older and could recognize characters and walk around and play. So, we are thinking we will stay in a villa all together and make it a memorable first visit in the fall of 2016! It’s not set in stone hence why it’s a goal, but I’m pretty sure it will happen, it’s going to be so fun to see my favorite place through her eyes!
3.) Finish writing a book: This is not something I have really talked a lot about here on THLG *gulp* but I have about four different book ideas partially started/in the works at the moment, but I just haven’t had time to pick one I want to really put my whole heart into and make into a book or e-book. BUT, this is a HUGE goal of mine for 2016, and it terrifies me to “put it out there”, because now I really have to get cracking since you all know about it. What have I done.
4.) Have a daily devotion: I am disappointed in myself for letting this slip on days I am home all day with Emma Kate. I think I am going to move my devotion to night time so there is no excuse of a tiny human taking up my time in the mornings. Good thing she’s cute.
5.) Monthly goals: I used to post small mini/monthly goals here on the blog, but I got away from it when I got pregnant and had Emma Kate since my monthly goals included things like “take a shower” and “keep the baby alive”, but I really enjoyed sharing them with yall when I had actual goals, and it helps keep me in check. They are coming back in 2016!
So there you have it, A somewhat vague description on some I know, but still a list of things I want to accomplish in 2016. I can’t believe it will be here in nine days. Never too early to get started!
QOTD: Do you have a goal for 2016? Did you meet your 2015 goals?

I also like setting monthly goals for myself. While its fun to set big year long goals, I find setting smaller monthly goals helps me to stay on track towards meeting the larger ones. I also find the smaller ones easier to stay focused and more motivated on achieving.
I like the concept of PR any distance. Really takes the pressure off. My goal is to keep building on what I’ve done this year, get rid of my scar tissue from my injury, and be able to train for Tink. I have no time goal in mind.
those are good goals!
Oh my goodness I can’t believe it’s almost 2016!!! Crazy! I can’t wait for you to take EK to Disney! It really makes it even more magical seeing it through your child’s eyes!!!
I like how you set goals for all year rather than monthly. I like to look back on the whole picture ( the year) and see what i’ve accomplished. Good luck in 2016!
I plan to do monthly and yearly to have extra motivation!
Awesome goals! I totally see why you haven’t brought EK to Disney yet, and your goal plan for that sounds really great. I didn’t meet my running goals this year, however my main goal was to finish my graduate school classes alive and I did complete that!
That’s great!
I like to set goals too. This year I am hoping to stay active compete in some events. Blog consistently and grow friendships.
Those are great!