Sometimes it seems as if there just isn’t enough time in the day to do everything. From having to work, cook, clean, parent, and tend to your own personal needs, how can anyone have time to get it all done?! Let alone, how can anyone have enough energy to perfectly balance out all of this? One of the best ways to save some time in the day would be through multitasking. Multitasking can come in many forms such as having to fold a load of laundry while you’re in a meeting with a client, trying to cook dinner while doing some online grocery shopping, or maybe even working out while clean at the same time. (I do a lot of multitasking since I work from home!)
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Yes! Multitasking can do wonders for your schedule, but it’s really all about how you balance out the things that you’re combining or else it has the potential to just miserably fail. There are only 24 hours in a day and those minutes need to be used wisely, so it’s best to ask yourself what is important enough where it needs your undivided attention and what is easy enough to where it can be combined with something else.
As a busy person, whether you’re a parent or someone who is wanting to work on time management, you need to have a healthy lifestyle. Regardless of how busy you are in your day, you simply cannot neglect your health. What better way to do it than with cleaning! Here are some fabulous tips to help you out in combining working out with household chores!
Get up early
One of the best ways to get the cleaning and the workout session done together would be to get up and just begin. It’s never too late to exercise and getting up early may be the best solution to that too. This may require you to wake up one to two hours earlier than your regular routine. This will allow you to already feel energized, pumped, and your home will be completely clean before the day even begins. While the idea itself sounds outrageous, just think about it. At the end of the day after working, playing with the kids, cooking, and cleaning up, there just isn’t much time or even energy to do anything else such as exercise.
Getting it out of the way first thing in the morning is going to ensure that it is already marked off the checklist for the day and it also ensures that the cleaning is going to be done. At first, it’s going to be a struggle to wake up and get out of bed. But eventually, it will get easier as your body adjusts. Getting up so early is also going to help with cutting out bad habits such as staying up late or having screen time right before bed.
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Understand that it’s okay if you can’t do it all
When it comes to exercising and cleaning at the same time, you don’t have to worry about doing everything. This includes thinking about things like, why wash your windows, why wash the car, why to even wax the floor, or anything else. What matters is just trying to get some of the more basic chores out of the way while trying to burn some calories. Plus, you wouldn’t want to make too much noise, especially if you’re doing this so early in the morning as it may wake up everyone else in the house.
Have some fun and get creative
In general, you’ll want to try your best to make all of this easy on yourself. This can include:
- Riding a stationary bike while you’re making your to do list or answering emails,
- Doing some squats while you’re washing the dishes
- Lunges while you’re vacuuming
- Scrubbing the floor while doing leg lifts
- Yoga poses while dusting or folding laundry
Overall, as you can see you can get really creative with this but the end goal is to just get both of the chores out of the way. You’re welcome to get as creative as you like because this should be a way to enjoy what you’re doing while getting two jobs done.
Winning situation!
If you think about it, this method of multitasking can save you both time and money. You don’t need a gym membership, you won’t need a subscription to any workout streaming services, plus you’ll be saving so much time! This time can be spent doing some self-care on yourself such as hobbies, spending more time with the family, or in general just having more time to rest. You have a clean home, you broke a sweat, what more could you ask for?

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