I get it. In our society, there are so many things clawing for your attention. We are all just flat out busy all the time. This leads to burnout, and it can be hard to get motivated to workout. That’s why I came up with 7 fitness hacks for the unmotivated to kickstart your fitness journey and help you reach your workout goals. Follow these tips, and you will be headed in the right direction in no time, no gym membership required!
1.) Drink more water: It seems so simple, but it has such a HUGE impact. Not only is drinking water a super duper easy hack for getting fit, but it is like the swiss army knife of health. It does so many good for you things, so it’s high time you get to chugging! Not only will drinking more water keep you from getting headaches and feeling sluggish, but it will help you feel full, flushes out toxins, is great for your skin, can boost your immune system, and helps keep you regular (aka not bloated). Aim for 8 glasses a day, and if you are like me and drive the struggle bus on this one, try drinking fruit infused water, drinking out of a fun glass, or getting an awesome fancy Hidrate water bottle that helps you track intake and has its own app! (I have the teal one and love the accountability. It glows when it’s time to drink!)
2.) Workout during commercials: This one seems silly, but I use it a lot on days I don’t feel well but know I need to so *something* or when I’m feeling worn down and don’t want to do a lot of high impact movements. It’s also great when you are short on time. Most of us watch some sort of TV at night whether it’s regular TV, Netflix, or something else. My quick hack for when you are just not feeling it is to work out during commercials. I will do a set of crunches, some squats or lunges, or even plank. I will repeat a quick “circuit” until my show comes back on, and I know I will get about 10-15 minutes of work in during an hour. easy peasy!
3.) Wear fitness clothes more often: I often talk myself out of working out because I either don’t have clothes with me or I’m too lazy to change (I know sad but true.) I have combat that by keeping a bag of clothes in my car, and when I AM at home, I wear workout clothes that way I have no excuse. If there is a break in the rain I can go for a walk around the block. While I wait for dinner to cook in the oven I can do jumping jacks or sprints up and down my street. No fussing with finding clean clothes or talking myself out of it because I have to change, it’s already done.
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4.) Follow fit people on Insta: Motivation from others can go a long way, even if its a stranger (hey, you are reading this right? heh.) Search fitness hashtags and follow some encouraging and motivating people online. Some people are great at giving you the little push you need to get off the couch. (By the way, are you following me? (@HeathersLG)
5.) Put it in your schedule: I have always found that when I write my workouts into a day planner or put them in my Google calendar on my phone, I am much more likely to keep them as I would any other appointment. Make yourself a priority!
6.) Grab an accountability partner: This is actually how my blog came to be! So not an individual PERSON, but what turned out to be a whole bunch of people! When I began training for my very first half marathon back in the fall of 2009, I started this blog to hold myself accountable for my training. It clearly worked, because I have run around 30 half marathons, four full marathons, and countless other race distances since then. Start a blog, find a friend, ask your spouse to hold you accountable (ok, maybe not that one. I can see that ending badly), but anyway you get the point!
7.) Practice self-love: You guys, this is the most important one, and honestly the other things will work SO MUCH BETTER if you have this number seven at your foundation. You have to love yourself enough to workout. These fitness hacks can only take you so far. You have to realize that you are worth it, the time you spend is worth it, and that it will allow you to be an all-around better person for your family and yourself. <3
*May contain affiliate links meaning if you purchase through my link I make a small commission.

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