Emma Kate is now 7 months old. I haven’t done a “day in the life’ post in awhile, and things change mighty quickly around here! Emma Kate does go to daycare certain days of the week, but I thought it would be way more entertaining to do a day in the life post of when we are together all day.
5:15: Emma Kate is crying. it is WAY too early to get up. I close my eyes and wish her back to sleep. It works! She’s quiet again by 5:30 and I fall asleep at 5:50.
6:05: I hear the creature stirring again. Maybe if I ignore it, the crying will stop. I kid. I know she is up for good this time. I get up, go to the bathroom, turn on the Keurig, and get my little darling child. I change her diaper, ask her how she slept, and we go into the kitchen to make a bottle.
6:15: Emma Kate eats 6 ounces, while I down a giant mug of coffee, let the dog out, and check my email on my phone. In the mornings she is really calm and content to just hang out and not need my attention every second, so this gives me some time to fix breakfast and answer a few emails/tweet out my blog post for the day.
7:00: Baby is tired of playing on the floor (it’s SO nice now that she can sit up on her own!) so I hold her and talk to her for a few minutes then put her in her jumparoo. At some point, Bobby gets up and gets ready for work. We talk while he eats breakfast, and I realize I never fed Bella. Oops. That happens more than I care to admit recently, but she always lets me know.
7:30: I sit on the couch and sing songs and talk to EK. She is babbling, singing, and making high pitched noises a lot these days, so it’s fun to carry on conversations with her.
8:00: We do some tummy time, and I answer more emails for clients, and start thinking about tomorrows blog post.
8:30: Emma Kate is getting fussy and rubbing her eyes. Nap time! She usually goes down for her morning nap without too much of a fight which is nice. One of my least favorite things to do is put her down for naps. it can be quite the battle some days.
9:00: Like clockwork, she is awake. 85% of EK’s naps are exactly 30 minutes. The other 15% fall somewhere between 35 and 55 minutes, with the VERY rare 1:15 minute nap. Last Sunday she took a two hour nap and I kept checking on her to make sure she was still breathing. Anyway, I change her, feed her a bottle, and answer more emails.
9:30: it’s a nice day, so we go out on the screened in porch and sit on the couch. I put down a blanket and some toys so she can play. She loves being outside, and so does Bella (and me!) so everyone wins.
10:30: We are meeting a friend at 11:00 to walk at the park with her and her baby, so I load up the diaper bag, stroller, and all the other stuff (ssoo much baby stuff!) and we drive to Smoothie King where I pick up a smoothie before getting to the park.
11:00: We swing on the swings while we wait for our friends, and then we walk 3.5 miles. Somewhere along the way, Emma Kate fell asleep and slept for about 35-40 minutes, so there goes nap number two!
12:00: We get in the car and head back home. Emma Kate eats another bottle and plays on the floor while I get some work done. I go back and forth checking on her, talking to her, and giving her toys and consider just putting my laptop on the floor next to her.
12:35: She starts getting fussy so I put her in her highchair and give her some baby food. She lloovveess her some bananas. We talk and sing while she eats, and then I clean her up. I realize I am still hungry so I grab a quest bar and we walk around the house pointing out different objects and just hang out.
1:15: I really need to get going on my blog post, so I put EK in her jumparoo and turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves him, and especially the hot dog dance. Yes, I am brain washing her form a young age.
1:45: I take Bella out, and put Emma Kate under her activity gym to bat at some toys. She can reach them now and tries to pull the whole thing down.
2:00: I haven’t even thought about dinner yet and still have a lot of work to do. I decide we will do something easy, like tacos, even though it’s not taco Tuesday. It can be taco Wednesday, right? I get out some of the ingredients so I won’t forget, and I work some more on my blog post.
2:30: Emma Kate is ready for another nap, so I take her into the nursery and rock her in the rocking chair. Oohhh she is putting up a fight today. She cries and screams and acts incredibly dramatic, but finally calms down and passes out. I put her in her crib and pray she sleeps longer than 30 minutes.
3:10. Well, I guess I should have been most specific with my prayer. She slept 40 minutes instead of 30. Another diaper change, and another bottle, and she’s a happy girl.
3:30: I keep looking at the clock. 2 hours until Bobby comes home, and then I will have some help so I can get dinner ready and finish up a few emails to clients and such. Some days just really seem to drag, and this is one of them. I think when I don’t run or go to the gym the day seems longer. Since I typically walk with my friend on Wednesdays, I consider it a rest day. Anyway, Emma and I hang out on the floor with her toys and I try to do some dishes and laundry as long as she is happy. I hate when Bobby comes home and it looks like I have done nothing all day long.
4:30: Little miss thing is getting cranky. Usually between her last nap and bedtime she gets fussy and today is no exception. I can hold out for one hour I tell myself. She gets in a mood where she only wants to be held at this time of night, so we walk around the living room and I try to do a little picking up with one hand.
5:10: Bobby texts me that he is on his way home. My favorite phrase. I start pulling out the food for dinner and getting it going.
5:30: Bobby walks in and takes the baby so I can finish cooking. She goes into her highchair and Bobby feeds her some sweet potatoes and apricots while I set the table. We eat and feed the baby at the same time, and then it’s time for her bath.
6:00: Baby bath time, PJ’s, lotion, and hair brushing.
6:20: Bobby gives Emma Kate her last bottle while I finish up my blog post and other work odds and ends.
6:45: baby bedtime! Bobby says prayers with her and puts her to bed while I take a shower.
7:00: Baby is asleep, woo hoo! I do some more work then force myself away from my laptop. I really need some down time.
7:20: We head upstairs with the baby monitor. Bobby gets on his computer and I watch some TV while I catch up on social media on my iPad. I eat a snack, and unwind. Whew. I have work to do but don’t do it, it is never ending and will be there tomorrow.
8:45: I am a loser who goes to bed early because my baby gets up early. I tell Bobby goodnight, we chat for a minute, and then I go downstairs and hang up some clothes in my closet. I’m just constantly doing random chores around the house. Then I get ready for bed and do a little magazine reading. I am SO behind, there is a huge stack by my bed. I don’t know why I keep up my subscriptions.
9:30: I’m falling asleep reading, so I turn out my light, hoping EK doesn’t wake up in the night! She has been pretty good lately and sleeping through the night is amazing.
…and then we do it all over again!
QOTD: Do you have to force yourself to stop working at the end of the day?

Being a mom is a full time job! It’s hard to balance it all but it sounds like you are doing great! As she gets older she will be able to entertain herself for longer periods of time and that will help you with getting stuff done. I remember those days like yesterday! Enjoy her because she is only this young once!
Nothing wrong with Disney brainwashing. My parents got me Disney sing-a-longs so I was pretty good with the song lyrics even before my first trip to Disney. My mom could clean a couple rooms while I was entranced for 30 minutes.
Aww, this seems like such a hard time right now since little EK requires so much attention. I’m sure things will be more fun once she gets a bit older. I have an elderly dog right now and sometimes it feels like I am taking care of an infant so I definitely hear ya on getting up early and just praying that he sleeps through the night. Hang in there!
I am fascinated reading DITL posts from moms with babies similar in age to mine. I’m on the other end of the spectrum and miss my little man so much at work all day, the last hour of the day goes so slow because I can’t wait to see him! I love short naps on the weekends, as long as he seems rested, so we get more time together. I don’t get work emails on my phone so that makes it easier to wind down but its hard not to think about work at night. After baby bedtime comes cleaning, bottle filling, lunch making, laundry, grading, etc, etc. I need a maid!
Definitely nothing wrong with Disney brain washing!! Cant wait to meet baby Emma in a few weeks! 🙂 Can you belive this time last year, we were doing your gender reveal/shower?
I know it’s crazy! That was such a fun weekend…except for my dad going to the ER hav