Yesterday was a long and full but awesome day in Disney. I just love this place in case you didn’t already know. It was one of those mornings where I woke up and forgot where I was, then remembered I was at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, and jumped up to see if there were any animals outside. Unfortunately there were just a few birds, but I would get to see more animals later in the day so no worries.
I got ready for the day and ate breakfast at the Mara before heading out to my first appointment.
This said appointment took me to the Grand Floridian spa and health club. Massage, here I come! The robes were awesome and plush, you will get to hear about more of the spa from me later so stay tuned.
It was heavenly, and I wanted to go take a nap after, however I had a lunch meeting to go to, which lasted until the early afternoon. I got back to the hotel and decided to head to the pool for a bit.
Love my Minnie mouse-looking swimsuit!
I was texting Kelly, and we both realized we were at the pool! I of course found her and we hung out for a couple hours.
I left later to go for a three mile run around the Boardwalk before grabbing a quick dinner at the Mara. Oh, look who else I finally got to meet? It’s Bex! Her and her husband are super sweet.
When I went back to my room I peeked out the window and saw FOUR giraffes eating just outside my window. It was awesome. I of course pulled out my stalker lens on my Nikon (photos to come later from there) and snapped some pictures. I also took a couple with my phone.
Totally photo bombed by the ostrich.
As I said before, a great day, and excited for another action packed one today, because I get to hang out with this girl for the next few days as well as my family (coming in Friday). Have a great day everyone!
QOTD: Have you been to a spa? Favorite treatment?
*Winner of the arm sleeves giveaway is Victoria S! I already send you an e mail let me know if you didn’t get it.

I so excited for you! Glad you are having fun!!
no words for how jealous I be.
Love the bikini! Very Minnie Mouse of you 😉 xo
I can’t wait to stay at animal kingdom lodge one day!
Sounds like another fun day! Love that swim suit top! Cute!!
What a fun day! Your swim suit is super cute! And I could just watch those giraffes for hours!!! Can’t wait to hear all about your day today!
Great pics!
It looks like you are having the best time!! Enjoy!
Cheers, Tara
P.S. Love the ostrich photo-bomb!!!
I was at the GF spa in 2004, when my parents had just started participating in marathon weekend. My mom was going and asked if I wanted to as well. I got a sports massage and I just did not want to move when it was over.
Great post! I am running the Princess Half this weekend as well, but we don’t leave until tomorrow. This gets me totally excited! I have never been to the Grand Floridian Spa, but its on my list of things to do there. Enjoy your trip and good luck at the race!
Wow looks like a great time…never been one to desire to go to anything Disney (well till I have kids). But now you have me thinking, looks like a blast!
So excited for you! Im living vicarously now through you and all the other girls in Disney. Have fun and can not wait to see your spa review!
LOVE AKL! It is our home DVC resort and I have it booked for ToT and WD.
Living vicariously through you!!!
That view is awesome. I am nagging, in a loving way, the hubby to go to Disney. He keeps saying when B is old enough. Keep posting pics so I can hound him some more 🙂
What an awesome day! I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself! I want a spa day so badly!
I’m soooooo jealous. I could really go for some SUN right now. Hope you have an amazing time. I’ve been following along with your instagram.