Good morning! So sad a week ago I was in Georgia having a blast. Time really does fly when you’re having fun. Speaking of Saturday, next Saturday we leave for the BEACH! Yes, every summer we go to Destin because Bobby has an annual bar conference and has to take continuing legal education classes to keep his law license. We have stayed somewhere different every year and I am stoked about where we are staying this year, but more on that later. It’s super nice and an early birthday gift for me and late one for Bobby. I can’t wait!
Last year at the beach
Today, I am heading out with Bobby again for another duathlon. It’s in the same place as the last one he did, it’s a summer series and this is number 3 in the series (me missed number one, oops.) We were blessed with amazingly cool weather for the one in May, but I don’t think we will be so lucky today. I will let you know how it goes. We have a friend from college who was an usher in our wedding who stayed here last night and is going to race with Bobby. Should be a fun day!
Nothing exciting planned for Sunday, just hanging out with Bobby and probably doing a little cleaning. I have been on a roll lately throwing things away and cleaning out closets. Nothing is safe!
QOTD: What are you doing this weekend?

I always feel so cleansed when I throw out a bunch of stuff I haven’t used for a long time.
This weekend is pretty relaxing thus far. I’m about to watch the movie Casino with my boyfriend and then the Tour de France starts so we will be tuning in to that too.
I forgot about that!
Shooting for a 13.1 mile run. Then chillin with the family the rest of the day.
oh good luck!
We are having a relaxing weekend. Going to see a friends baseball game and we are going to see some fireworks. We are excited for the relaxing weekend!
those are the best!
Aww I miss the beach so much! I’m having a low key weekend because I feel terrible 🙁 I’m hoping to sleep it off and so I’ll feel better for my race this week
oh no get well!
Unfortunately, I am working today (shh, don’t tell anyone I’m reading blogs!). I wish I were going to the beach. It is supposed to be about 120 today!
I won’t tell lol!
Started with a 6 mile bike ride, and midway break at Starbucks. Fully intended to take Julia to SeaWorld, but pouring rain squashed that plan! We spent the afternoon on the couch watching Oz The Great and Powerful!
I directed the 2nd Annual Brandon Feyler Memorial 5k yesterday. It went well. Today is full of cleaning and organizing for me too. Nothing is safe at my house either!