Note: This post is about body image, weight loss, and eating. If this may be a trigger for you, please feel free to skip this post and come back tomorrow. I have an exciting announcement for that post!
Well, here we are. I had a baby a year ago. Today is actually my due date, but we all know Emma KAte was a week old by the 30th last year! The excuse of “I just had a baby” can no longer be used. trust me, I milked it as long as I could. Honesty moment: I always used to roll my eyes when people said they can’t get rid of the baby weight. I mean really, it can’t be THAT hard right? Well, it IS hard, but it is also doable. I have realized you have to really want it more than those chips and queso, and honestly, sometimes I just really want the chips and queso, yall.
In the beginning, the weight came off really fast. I got cocky, and thought I would be back to my old weight in no time. I think I lost something like 17 or so pounds in the first few days. (I gained right at 30).
One month postpartum
I stopped breastfeeding after a month, and I know that didn’t help matters. Between November and March I actually GAINED weight while marathon training (I always gain about 3-5 pounds marathon training), so that was really frustrating.
end of March 2015, 6 months postpartum
I looked at myself in April/May and was not happy with my progress and knew I needed to get serious if I wanted to see changes. I had a come to Jesus meeting with myself after I got back from Disney in May and had gained weight again. I was 8/10 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight, and 15 pounds form my “happy weight.” I knew it was my eating, because I was working out plenty, but I also knew I wasn’t doing the right kinds of workouts.
I decided right then that I was going to be more mindful of my eating . There have been some ups and downs since then, but overall my attitude towards food has greatly improved. I thought when we bought Orange Leaf, that I would gain a ton of weight eating frozen yogurt every day, but I actually LOST weight because in the beginning I was working 13 hour days at the store 3-4 days a week, running back and forth, on my feet all day, with no time to snack. So yeah, froyo was my lunch some days, but there was no mindless snacking all day long. However, because of my crazy work schedule, I have only been working out 3-4 days a week since August. My half marathon training plan got completely derailed, and I started just kind of floating through the weeks.
September 2015, almost 12 months postpartum
My new plan is to continue running 3 days a week, but I am also going to sign up for a special 6 week HIIT class at my gym that starts the beginning of November. I think the accountability will be good for me and just what I am needing right now. Between now and then I plan to do some strength training on my own 1-2 days a week as time allows. I don’t really have much of a “plan” other than that right now. We have a lot of personal things up in the air at this moment so I feel I’m not in the best place to make concrete plans far out in the future. I know I’m rambling a bit, I guess I’m just lacking focus an direction at the moment, but I know it is just part of it, and that it will come back to me.
12 months postpartum
With that being said, I am currently ONE POUND away from my pre pregnancy weight. Of course I would love to be AT my pre pregnancy weight, but close enough, right? However, when I got pregnant I was about 5-8 pounds over my happy weight, so I still have a little bit to go, and I’m hoping the HIIT class will give my body a nice shake up and be just what I need. I want to gain MUSCLE and be STRONG. (PLEASE note, that I understand it’s not all about the scale. I could stay at this exact “weight” but have muscle mass and fit into my clothes better and be perfectly happy, I am simply giving a range based on the past.) I am happiest with myself when I feel strong, and I think that is what I have been missing since having Emma Kate. Sure my arms aren’t that bad from picking up my 24 pound child, but I feel quite flabby. I’m not after being skinny, I’m after being ripped! I think that will help with my running, too.
So, here we are, one year later. On the right path, but not there yet. I plan to “check in” again in a few months, maybe 3, maybe 6, I’m not sure yet, to check on my progress. I hope you will follow along with me. I have a lot to learn and a lot of hard work ahead of me, but I’m excited for it! Time to get stronger and faster!
QOTD: Have you ever been in a fitness rut? Do you struggle more with food or working out?

I’m five months postpartum and have found myself creeping back up in pounds. Losing weight after baby is so hard and being exhausted doesn’t help! Keep it up! 🙂
Yes, the lack of time and energy definitely is a game changer!
You look great Heather! Losing weight is so hard….especially when you live in the south and are around all those yummy fried foods all the time! You’re so right though…it’s about wanting it more than that food.
Bear in mind you did all this while starting your Fro Yo business. If it were me I’d be 20 pounds over.
That’s what I thought but I run around and am so busy at the shop I haven’t gained!
i am so in a fitness rut right now but you are 100% right if you arent eating what you should be nothing is going to change. i dont have kids and i actually gain 15 pounds while working out because of bad eating. good for you with your journey and being 1 pound away from pre-pregnancy weight. i hope HIIT works for you, i hear about the benefits all the time!!
Eating is such a tough balance when you workout a lot. My appetite is insane when I workout intensely!
You seriously look amazing!
Thank you for writing this.
After my miscarriage I have been struggling with body image. I have lost the weight I gain in the 12 weeks I was pregnant – but like you I am probably 5-8lbs from my “happy” weight. We are hoping to try again soon – so I am trying not to beat myself up about these lbs at this point. But it’s been tough. Thanks for you honesty! It means a lot!
Thanks for the comment friend. It’s so easy to make ourselves feel bad about the weight! You are doing SO great though girl!
Hey, we’re Sept baby buddies! My daughter was born ON the 30th (due the 24th) last year. I still have a ways to go to get down to pre-pregnancy weight, about 15lbs, but it doesn’t seem to be moving. I’ve been working out strong and eating clean, but I think either insulin or cortisol are doing something to me. Anyhow, you look amazing for one year postpartum!!!
This article is great.Thank you for this brilliant article.