Time for my three month body after baby update. Again, feel free to skip if this isn’t your thing. Keeping track helps me stay motivated through tough months (like this one). Has anyone ever tried losing weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas? It’s crazy hard!
I’d safety say I lost between one and two pounds this month. I’m still not a member of the gym, so my only means of workouts have been running. I ran between two and three days a week in December, and will be finally able to join the gym in January since Emma Kate will go to daycare for five hours a day two days a week, woo hoo!
I am still about 10 pounds or so from my happy weight, and now that all the holiday temptations and excuses are over, I feel like I will better be able to focus on my health.
Also, I mentioned yesterday on Instagram that I was invited by ASICS to run the LA marathon in March. Surprise! I will post more about it later, but for now, just know that I am terrified about running a full marathon less than 6 months postpartum! I know I can do it, but it’s going to be tough work getting my mileage back up by March. Luckily I have a great coach. More on that later, too!
Side shot, not sucking in. Still have some belly fat to firm up, but I knew that would be the hardest part!
I went ahead and allowed myself to indulge and have fun with food around Thanksgiving and Christmas, but now I am buckling down. I am doing the Advocare herbal cleanse, taking my Omegaplex and catalyst as well as spark and every other day I drink a meal replacement shake for lunch. (You can purchase from my advocare store from the link above). I’m still trying to decide which spark flavor is my favorite, but I’m currently loving fruit punch!
My hair is still coming out in huge clumps, and now I understand what moms meant when they said they thought they may go bald! Luckily I had very thick hair to begin with. Other than that, I am feeling pretty good. I think my body is more “back to normal” this month as far as how I feel. When I run I can tell there is still extra weight on my body, but that is to be expected. Now that I am going back to lifting weights again, I am excited to see myself get stronger.
With the LA marathon thrown into the mix now, I will have to do some very long runs which will be tough to schedule because of the baby, but at least it’s just for a couple of months and will hopefully be a good motivator for awhile. My longest run to date is 10 miles which I ran the day after Christmas. I have Rock ‘n Roll New Orleans half marathon coming up in less than a month, and I am excited and nervous for my comeback!
QOTD: How did you handle eating during the holidays? Strict? indulge a lot? In moderation?

You look GREAT. And the fact that you actually lost some weight over the holidays instead of gaining is amazing. Go you!
I think you look amazing Heather! In one of your Christmas pictures that you posted I thought, “Wow she already looks like she did before baby!” 🙂
You look good mama!!! You’re doing it the right way. Take your time, don’t put too much presser on yourself, ease into a fitness routine, etc… Becoming a mom is hard work. Getting your body back is going to take time. It took me 11 months to loose all my baby weight the first time.
Congrats on your Asics deal. That’s great news!!! I’m using the galloway method right now to train for my races, and it’s been working out well so far. Good luck!
You’re looking great, Heather! Its hard to believe that Emma Kate was only born 3 months ago. Congrats on the LA Marathon opportunity. I have no doubt that you’ll do great both there and at Rock ‘n’ Roll later this month.
Doing great Mama! I’m 16 weeks out and still have some tummy left. It’s always the last thing to go 🙁
Congrats on the LA Marathon! Super excited for you!
You’re doing great mama! Postpartum weight loss is all about TIME. It takes time for things just to go back to their normal places. And the hair loss is the WORST. I had it way worse with my second and it lasted a long time 🙁
How long did it last? Its not slowing down at all!
You look great! Plus, training for a marathon is always a good way to get in shape too : )
You look great! Happy three months PP!
Girl you look awesome! ! So glad I found your blog an I look forward to reading it!
Have you been evaluated for diastasis and pelvic floor strength by a women’s health physio?
There is a growing awareness and discussion surrounding the prevalence and importance of these issues postpartum.
If you are training for a marathon so shortly after the delivery, I would definitely suggest it!