We decided to decorate our house for Christmas a week early this year since my parents are coming in town for Thanksgiving and I’m not sure if they will be back before Christmas. Of course it was cold all last week, but warm the day we decorated, it was typical Mississippi weather for you. Not very Christmas-y, and we didn’t light the fireplace, but we still had a good time!
It was fun decorating in the new house because I got to figure out where to put all of the decorations for the first time. I’m sure I will end up moving things around, and we still have to decorate outside, but I am happy with everything so far. We still have to put nails in the mantle for the stockings, and I need to get some battery operated lights for the garland around the fireplace.
Love it!
Emma Kate wasn’t sure what to think.
Fascinated by the tree
Hanging her “baby’s first Christmas” ornament from grammy and grandpa
My firstborn girls Bella and Sassy.
Thanks to Baby OshKosh B’gosh for the adorable outfit! They also sent a cute dress and sweater she will wear for Christmas!
Important decorations in my house
I can’t believe it’s so soon!
Bobby telling Emma Kate about the different ornaments.
Family selfie!
We ordered pizza after (a tradition) and watched TV by the tree. It was a great night!
QOTD: Do you have any traditions when decorating for Christmas?

I always do it on Black Friday because I don’t do any shopping that day. I put on Christmas music or put in a movie and put the tree together. I have moved some furniture around in my apartment to make room for the tree.
Emma Kate is so adorable!!!! We decorated our tree this weekend too! The cold weather last week got me in the Christmas mood! We usually don’t put our tree up until the day after Thanksgiving. I’m glad we did it early this year though!
Everything looks beautiful! I love the tradition of ordering pizza after decorating. I might have to start that tradition this year : )
What a cutie! I love your Christmas tree!
We also decorate on Black Friday because we don’t shop either. I am torn this year though cus I won’t be home on black Friday weekend and was wondering if it was okay to put the tree up before thanksgiving. I’ve been seeing lots of others do it so I assume it’s okay!
We usually wait until after Thanksgiving to put our tree up, but because of how much we’ll be traveling in December we had planned to put it up this weekend. We ran out of time though, so hopefully we’ll have time before we leave for our Thanksgiving trip!
PS – All of the pictures of Emma Kate are absolutely adorable!
Love your Christmas tree and decor! Ornaments that have special meaning are my favorite! 🙂 Great job, y’all!
Love that you put your tree up already! It looks beautiful!
EK is so cute! And you get a pass for decorating before Thanksgiving this year since Thanksgiving is on the later side. 😉