Ah the month we all panic because we haven’t reached our New Year’s resolutions. Always makes me giggle. More on that NEXT month, but for this month I have a few small goals I would like to accomplish.
Bella and I last Thanksgiving
1.) Read 4 magazines. This sounds so silly but y’all, I have a HUGE pile of unread magazines in my bedroom, and it’s starting to get on my nerves. Must. read.
2.) Slow down and enjoy the season. Christmas is my favorite time of year, and I think a lot of us struggle with moving through it so quickly and not slowing down to enjoy it or remember the true reason we celebrate. I don’t want that to be me!
3.) Don’t go crazy with the bad food. I just finished the Advocare 24 day challenge, and despite going to Disney for a week AND celebrating Thanksgiving, I managed to lose a couple pounds and a few inches. I also have way more energy and feel better! I can’t wait to try the challenge again next year when I don’t have holiday or trip distractions. I know it’s hard during the holidays to just give in and eat anything and everything, but I am going to try to be mindful of what I eat.
4.) Send out Christmas cards by the 17th. I love sending out cards, but I can tell I will be behind this year because I haven’t even ordered them yet! I need to get moving today.
Last year’s card
Also wanted to mention, I am hosting a CYBER MONDAY sale today with Advocare products! These products do not normally go on sale, but I am personally discounting them. ALL product is 15% off, and the challenge bundle is 20% off! If you would like to place an order, email me at heatherslookingglass@gmail.com, do NOT order from my site. However you can visit www.advowithHeather.com to see what products you want!
QOTD: What are your December goals?

I was just telling Jeff yesterday that my December goal is to bake 10 different types of Christmas cookies. I used to do this every year, but haven’t since we stopped going to NJ for Christmas. I miss my old favorites.
december and all of 2014 🙂
I totally have a stack of magazines too! I am notorious for saving the whole magazine for one article even after reading it though .. Haha
I thought about getting a binder with those plastic sleeves to put articles in that I tear out.
My goal should be to nail down a plan of attack for the WDW half, but I keep putting it off. We’re starting our holiday stuff at work, including a food drive for the university food bank. Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, I can focus on Christmas.
I hear ya girl. Busy busy!
My goals for the month include enjoying Christmas while sticking to both healthy eating and training for Dopey! It’ll be here so soon! You haven’t mentioned it much lately, will you still be there, too!?
I’m still chugging along but haven’t been training much. oops.
I know it is tough around the holidays!! The last 2 years I did Goofy and didn’t really stick to training, so I want to see how much better I feel this year keeping at it through Christmas. Good luck and see you there!!
Your #2 is a great one. I hadn’t put it in quite those terms, but that’s essentially what I’m doing too. I like the way you put it, so I’m using that one is one of mine too! 🙂