So here is my race recap for my very first half marathon! It was QUITE the experience!
We got to Disney World Thursday afternoon, checked into the Polynesian and Friday me, my husband bobby and best friend Jen went to the disney expo! I was so excited to buy stuff, and meet the running skirts girls!
we picked up our race packets, shirts, and goodie bags, it was all very smooth. then we shopped!
we wandered around a bit and bought some more stuff and then headed out.
Me and Bobby in front of the expo
we ate a HUGE dinner and attempted to go to bed early..but it just didn’t happen. we woke up at 3 AM on RACE MORNING!!!! it was SO COLD. I think it was record-breaking temps in Orlando, or close to it. Of course, on the day of the race, OF COURSE!
Since I live in Mississippi, I don’t own a lot, well, any “cold weather running clothes” Luckily, Jen let me borrow a pair of pants to wear under my skirt and a long-sleeved wicking shirt to wear as a layer. I also bought a nylon long-sleeved shirt from the running skirts girls and then wore a plain black sweatshirt on top to toss in case I got hot. I also wore a hat, gloves, and hot hands!
we got ready, I had some juice with protein powder and half a cliff bar and we headed to the monorail!
we got to the race, checked our bags, went potty for the first time, and then huddled with about 100 strangers to stay warm. As we were standing there, we realized it was sleeting!!! You have GOT to be kidding me!
We walked about a mile to the corrals in the sleet/freezing rain and visited porta potties for 2nd time and then said goodbye to Jen and her husband, as they are bestial and were in Coral A/B
we got into our corral which was the 2nd to last one, and waited…and waited…I felt like us slow runners were being punished for being slow b/c we didn’t cross the start till over 30 minutes after the first runners did!
here is the stage that was at the front
We were off! in the freezing cold! About mile 2 or 3, it started freezing rain. In case you have never run in freezing rain, it pelts you in the face and feels like hundreds of tiny needles stabbing you. Not the most pleasant in the dark at 6 am.
we kept running, and about mile 5 I took a GU. we ran into the Magic Kingdom at this point and I was so excited. This was my absolute FAVORITE part. For a Disney lover, being able to run down Main Street with people cheering for you as you head towards the castle was just awesome.
by this time, it started raining, a lot. we just kept on going. At about mine 9, Bobby’s knee started hurting him so we had to slow down some. We only stopped the whole time to get water, and once when Bobby had to use the restroom. I was SO shocked I was able to run the whole way! I believe my hip was so frozen solid I couldn’t feel any pain.
We stopped and got more GU at mile 9 ish, and this is about where we passed my mom and sister who started up about 5 minutes ahead of us.
We kept going, and Bobby kept having to walk and wanted me to go on without him but for our first 1/2 I really wanted to cross the finish with him, so I stopped and jogged slowly with him. We kept encouraging each other to keep going, the last 2 miles were tough. It was getting colder, we were soaked, and I couldn’t feel my feet.
We made it into Epcot, and only had 1/2 mile to go. Bobby almost couldn’t finish, but I kept encouraging him telling him 3 tenths, 2 tenths, etc. (Garmin came in handy), and then we saw the mile 13 sign and the finish line!
I felt the tears well up and I fought back tears as we got to the finish line. We held hands the last stretch and crossed together, arms in the air in triumph. I was so happy, but also so glad it was over. It was so hard! We got our medals and then we were SO COLD because our bodies cooled down.
Everyone else got food and pics taken and we left! The mile walk to the monorail was the most miserable mile of my life. I was so cold, shivering uncontrollably. Then we had to get OFF the monorail and walk back to the room. We showered and got in bed and slept!
We woke up so sore because we were too cold to stretch after the race. I am finally feeling better now!
My time was 2:44 according to Garmin, 2:45 according to Disney. Pretty close I think. I was shooting for 2:30, and if it weren’t for the conditions and having to slow down for Bobby I think I could have done it! I will find out in February for the Mardi Gras rock n roll half!
I truly loved this race even though it was so miserable. I HIGHLY recommend this race, especially if you LOVE Disney like I do! I am toying around the idea of doing the full next year…thoughts?!? More info on runDisney can be found here.
Related: runDisney information page

Congrats on your first half marathon! You looked fab in your running skirt =)
Love the recap! You did awesome in the race! I am getting cold just thinking about walking to the monorail again brrr. I don’t know which race to do next year either… decisions decisions!
we are going to do the full or nothing next year I think we decided. But we would run/walk!
Definitely do the full next year. You’ll work hard, push yourself, and feel great for it.
thanks for posting! we are going to wait and sign up for a bit, but we will probably do it. I mean, if I am going to do it,I want to do it disney-style! I love a good challenge so it should be fun to see my progress.
Awesome!! One of my friends went over there for the Goofy thing – the half on one day then the full on the other. Sounds like a fantastic event, great atmosphere.
I would love to be able to say I will do goofy one day but it’s highly doubtful. I couldn’t WALK after the half let alone run a full the next day. crazy! It was a great race though!
I followed your link from the Disboards. I’m hoping to do the 1/2 marathon next January. I’m a good walker, but a lousy runner. I guess I have almost a year to figure out if I can do this.
BTW, what a GU?
GU is a gel that you eat to give you energy when you run. there are gu’s, sport beans (like jelly beans) and ones that are the consistency of fruit snacks or chews. when I am running I take a gu every 4-5 miles.
be careful, the haldf filled up in April last year so don’t wait too long to sign up. I am sure you can do it!
Had to dig for this, but it’s awesome to read a different perspective on the race!
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