Hey friends! So two weeks later I finally recapped the runDisney marathon weekend expo, race, blogger meet up, interviews, and marathon weekends at Bonnet Creek. Whew! So much to say for just being in town for 24 hours! Anyway, it’s time to move on to something fun, the cruise! I plan to only post a couple of these a week until I’m done so they won’t be back to back to back or anything. But let’s start with after the race on Saturday:
We got a ride back to our hotel from a friend, we quickly showered and checked out, and our car was waiting downstairs. We had a private transfer scheduled from Southern Elegance. They do an amazing job, are on time, handle your bags for you, and everything. it’s top notch and our favorite way to get to the port. We were SO exhausted from the race plus our 2.5 hours of sleep that as soon as we started for the port, we CRASHED in the back seat. I woke up about ten minutes from the port, so it was great to get a little power nap in before getting on the ship! We got out bags to the porters, got through security, and waited in line to get checked in. It was 12:30 and I decided I really like checking in at this time of day. There was no waiting for your number to be called or anything, we just walked right on at about 12:45, which was amazing.
Our name was called as we boarded the boat and the crew clapped and cheered for us. I was so ready to start a fun week of relaxing and cruising! The first thing we did was head to get our dining assignment changed to early dinner, and snag a Palo brunch reservation. Once that was handled, it was time to eat! Up to Cabanas buffet we went. After lunch, the rooms were ready so we went to put our stuff down and check it out.
We had a great aft location on deck nine, and I would totally get this location again. We were two flight down from the pool deck and buffet, and I much preferred the aft elevators because they weren’t as busy as mid ship.
We spent some time wandering around taking pictures and enjoying the ship before the muster drill. We had been SO go go go the past 24 hours, that it was nice to just finally sit and relax.
Oh, I forgot to mention that this was a special cruise. It was the first of the Star Wars day at sea cruises, but more on that later.
After the muster drill, we got ready for our 5:45 dinner rotation. For those not familiar with Disney cruising, they do this cool things called rotational dining. There are three main dining rooms you rotate between, and your servers stay with you the whole cruise so you can get to know each other. it’s really great, so we were excited to meet our servers and table mates!
I will admit, I was a little nervous about meeting our table mates, It’s totally luck of the draw, and on previous cruises we would do the late seating to get a table by ourselves. However, since we are now old and go to bed early (haha) we wanted early dinner which meant sharing a table. I have heard some people have amazing experiences and some not so much, so we went for it, and ended up making new friends!
We ate at Royal Court that night, and I had TWO desserts. I deserved it right? I did run a half marathon that morning…
Usually we go to the adult clubs for a really fun game show that they have the first night, but I was SO exhausted that I fell asleep at 8:00. EIGHT YALL! I ended up sleeping for twelve hours. I guess my body really needed it!
Up next time: Our first sea day.
QOTD: Mickey bar or Mickey ice cream sandwich? Have you ever been on a Disney cruise?
Don’t forget, as a Disney travel planner, I can book your cruise for you at no extra charge! Email heather@travelwiththemagic.com for details

Yes, we’ve done six cruises at the later dining for our own table and this last cruise we decided next year to try early even if we have to sit with people – it was just too hard to wait till 8:15! We missed prime bar time because after we rolled out of dinner stuffed we were ready for bed! And we eat normally by 6:00 at home – we ordered lots of room service as pre dinner snacks!
Same! It was worth it for us to do early, I wasn’t so sleepy at the table!
8’s not so bad after 2.5 hours of sleep, plus a half marathon. I could never make it to the later dinner time, and always prefer the earlier time. I can eat, then relax after dinner, maybe watch the sunset.
And Mickey ice cream sandwich 🙂
Yes, I much prefer not falling asleep at the table!
I always try to do the early dinner so I can do the shows and fun activities later at night!
I love meeting our table mates. We’ve also met interesting people!
Looks like a nice and relaxing day!! So glad y’all landed good table mates! We have lucked out every time and always come home as Facebook friends! 🙂
Heather said she was going to take a nap and to wake her up in time for the adult game show… I KNEW how that was going to end, but I woke her anyway and then told her to go back to sleep…she did
Haha I fell back asleep instantly
I’ve been on so many cruises, but never a Disney one! I would love to be able to go on one even if it’s just to the Bahamas.
I have never been on a cruise but have always wanted to! And when that day comes I will totally come to you for booking. You made it SO easy booking for Dopey 2 years ago!