If you’ve decided you want to lose some fat (whether it be just a few pounds or a large chunk of your body mass), chances are you’ve done the research on diets, plans, gyms, exercises, and anything that you can find on that subject. If so, you’ve probably seen that most credible sources will tell you that fat loss and fitness are strongly related. If not, that’s what I’ll tell you now, so listen up! Not only is exercise a good way to burn fat but it’s good for your heart, lungs, joints, and so much more!
If you want to lose fat, you first need to evaluate a few truths. The most obvious is that if you burn off more calories than you eat, you will lose fat. You can either chose to do no “extra” exercise and eat very, very little in order to lose weight (NOT recommended!), or you can stick to a plan that will burn off enough calories and allow you not to starve yourself. It’s also important to note that overly-decreasing your calorie intake can backfire on you because your body will slow your metabolism down in order to accommodate this adjustment in calorie intake. This can cause you to actually gain fat instead of losing it. Try to stick mainly to healthy foods that aren’t processed, and track your intake at first to see where you stand.

Also, consistency is the key when it comes to your weight loss and fitness plan. So many people jump into something quickly with the mindset that they will just keep up the pace for a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then they can go back to their old way of living. Obviously, this will make you gain back everything you have just worked to get rid of. I’m definitely not saying you have to be strict and not enjoy your favorite treats ever again, but you have to keep your eating in check if you don’t want to go back to where you started. Unfortunately for me, due to things like stress, injuries, and moving I have allowed myself to yo-yo several times which gets quite frustrating!

In reality, your plan should be a life-long commitment. Even after you lose fat, in order to maintain your goal weight, you need to eat right and get some activity in. So, pick an activity that you enjoy (or that you don’t mind so much). Walking is one favorite. If you live in the city, you can actually walk part of the way to work, save on gym expenses, and not have to worry about finding time in your day to exercise. If not, no matter where you live, you can probably find the time to take a 20-minute brisk walk around your neighborhood. Bring a buddy along to keep you entertained and you’ll see that the time flies. Figure out something you love whether it be yoga or cycling or body bump or basketball. The exercise you are most likely to stick with is the one you enjoy the most. The connection between fat loss and fitness is too strong to ignore. So, pick your plan and stick with it for life!
Don’t make burning fat complicated. Drink water, eat healthily, move your body. It will thank you!

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