My buddy Jen posted her runDisney Dumbo Double Dare training plans last week and I realized just how quickly this race is sneaking up on me!
(The race calls for a 10k Saturday and a half marathon Sunday). I will be taking the 10k VERY easy for this one! I have been on a distance running hiatus since the Princess half, and while it was good for my brain, itās not good for my fitness level! Not only have I lost a lot of my running fitness, but a couple of unwanted pounds have crept on, which I know will go away once I start training again. I think I am going to start my training next Monday.
This scares me, because I seem to have a strange problem with training plans, in that I NEVER follow them like I am supposed to. I either get hurt, sick, or go out of town and the plan goes out the window. I am determined to stick with it this time and see how it helps me.
I decided on a modified version of the Runnerās World smart coach training plan. I finally learned that I run best when I run 3 days a week, with the occasional 4 days a week. So, what I plan to do is run three days a week, and run four days every other week. I think itās a pretty good compromise. There are two shorter easy runs every week, so I just plan to take out one of those very other week and make it a cross training/weight lifting day instead, or if I feel I need an extra day of rest I will take it (otherwise I will take ONE complete day off a week).
Here is what a 2 week span will look like at the beginning of the plan:
I will rest on Sundays, and on the first week I will take out the Thursday easy run and make it a cross training day, but keep the schedule as is for week two. Hopefully I can make it through to the end!
Strength training: I will strength train 3 times a week. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. No legs on Friday since I will long run Saturday. Will most likely do legs on Mondays. On Tuesday and Friday I will do chest/triās and biās/back with abs thrown in both days.
Cross training: Since Monday is an easy run day I will probably continue to also take my body pump class and do legs on that day. On my other cross training days I will rotate between the elliptical, stationary bike, and walking the treadmill at a high incline. Hopefully lots of stretching and foam rolling will also take place!
Being realistic: In a perfect world, I would hit ever workout perfectly every week, but things come up, you get sick, you travel, so I may be changing some days up, but I will still hopefully complete the training plan even if I have to miss or change a day here or there. Not beating myself up for it is important!
Back to back runs:Ā My plan is to take the 10k VERY slowly, so I am not as concerned with back to back runs like I was for goofy running a half and a full. I may change up a couple of the weeks to where I have two runs back to back to get the feel of it, but I won’t be doing it all the time.
QOTD: Do you follow a training plan or do your own thing?

I’m with you on tweaking plans to fit what works best — the world NEVER seems to want to cooperate with staying 100% on plan!!
I’m following Hal Higdon’s intermediate half marathon training for Dumbo (there’s a pace run on Saturday and a long run on Sunday) and that starts on 6/10, but I need to start getting back a base before then!!
Good luck!
Me too! My 6 miler was my first in a long time!
I do an australia program called 12WBT which comes out with new plans every 2 weeks and I follow them. When I am run training I will not do all the workouts on the plan as I’ll tend to add in a longer run or two š
That sounds cool
I do a mix of a plan and what feels good for me. Mostly I use a training plan to know what my long runs should be and how fast or slow I should build. I do my own thing during the week for cross-training and speedwork.
That’s what i need, the speeds/pace of a training plan
You can do it Heather! I usually try to stick to a plan. I come up with my own training plans so I can revamp it when I need to. I also do better running only 3 days a week. I’m more prone to injury if I run more than that. Good luck girl!
me to! I finally figured it out lol!
when i’m training for a race, i definitely follow a training plan!
That’s great! I’m trying to be more disciplined!
I can’t believe dumbo is 101 days away!! I’m not sure what training ill do for that, but my current marathon training has made me realize I need a plan that’s only 4-5 days a week and not super long – my current training has been going on 16 weeks and I’m loosing interest FAST!
oh no lol!
Yay! You know I love Smartcoach and that it has worked really well for me — I hope you have the same good fortune! This is your PR year after all š
I haven’t been able to stick to a plan yet but I’m planning on running 2 fulls this year. I haven’t even ran my first full yet, let alone 2, so I think I’m really going to try and find a plan and stick to it. I also want to work in some cross training. I’ve been doing a few things here and there but nothing on a set schedule. I wish I was better at committing to a plan and sticking with it. In theory, I think it’d make training easier.
That’s how I feel. Just KNOWING what I will do I think would make the week easier
I just started week 4 of Jeff Galloway’s plan but I am tweaking it a bit too – like you, I want to alternate b/w running 3 days/week and 4 days/week so I can add in some speed training. Hard to believe we’ll be there in 100 days!!!
omg that’ so soon!
I have not been sticking with the Galloway plan posted by RunDisney, but I basically use that. I guess I should look at the long run/back to back schedule on the plan and start working on that, although I probably am ok, since I did 6 miles on Sunday.
Did you say body pump AND legs on the same day??? You’re crazy, girl! Just add more weight to squats and lunges in body pump. No need to do a separate leg workout…
It depends. I throw legs in one of t he days, but it may not be Mondays. š
Life makes it almost impossible to follow any plan to the letter but there is absolutely no shame in missing a run here and there. The purpose of a plan is to establish a pattern that helps you build fitness. As long as you don’t stray too far from that pattern you can reap the benefits from it. I just finished a Half-Marathon plan and I sure was not able to do every run. I missed a few but I made sure I made EVERY long run and on the busiest weeks I established a bare minimum of 2 runs per week.
My problem is I will do the mileage but not the intensity or speed so Id need to work on that!
Dumbo’s coming up quick! I took runDisney’s Dumbo plan and tweaked the mileage a bit. I have a hard time following plans- life always seems to get in the way. For the most part, I get the same number of runs in per week, even if not on the planned days.
Thats what i try to do!
I’m the same with following a training plan – something always comes up. This go round, I’m working with a friend and we are going with the flow. We know what days we do what workouts. We are learning as we go (for instance to slow down on our long runs). So far, so good š
Good luck and I think your plan looks awesome!!
Good luck to you too!
This plan looks really good! I just may try this. I usually do not follow a specific plan I kind of create my own at the beginning of the week every week!
That’s what i used to do!
I’m in the same boat. I run best when I run 3-4 times a week. I follow a plan, but I feel free to adapt it week by week depending on what life throws at me. Good luck with your training!
I do my own thing. But I think when I train for my first full I’ll follow a training plan.
good idea!
For Princess I was doing Jeff Galloway’s 1/2 marathon training plan. I have completely lapsed in my running. But I am getting back into training because I know TOT will be here before I know it, and I need to be ready!
It’s going to sneak up on us!
I haven’t even thought of a training plan for this race, yet. *sigh…
I just did then my IT band started playing dirty so i may have to hold off. ug.
Your plan sounds great! Everyone knows what’s best for their own body so I think following a plan, adjusting it to fit your needs/schedule, and allowing for some flexibility is the way to go. I have a friend who thinks even running 3 days a week is too much. He does a long run on the weekend and 1/2 that run mid week. It doesn’t sound like enough to me, but who am I to argue-he runs 100 mile trail runs!
oh wow 100 miles!
I’m using the Galloway plan. My plan is to do larger walk intervals for the 10k and larger run intervals for the half. The 10k will be my PR in fun and then I’ll have fresh legs and energy to really give the half my all.
I used to always follow a plan very closely to train for any kind of distance. The last couple years I have just run by feel & not followed any plan per se. I decided I am going to try to hit a challenging time goal for my next half though, so I am back to a rigid plan. Going to try the “Run Less, Run Faster” plan. The idea intrigues me, but I have to say that some of the workouts seems VERY intimidating — much more challenging than any plan I have done in the past!
sounds interesting!