Has it already been six months since I have written one of these? Since Emma Kate’s Frozen themed birthday party? So much has happened since then, like moving to Florida, taking on new and different work, and of course, so many changes in our now two and a half year old girl.
Before we get into personality and that type of milestone, let’s go over her stats. Emma Kate weighs just shy of 33 pounds, and is in the 83% for weight. She is 38 inches tall, which is 95%. She basically hasn’t gained much weight but has thinned out and is growing upwards, which is good!
She is in size 5 diapers in the daytime and 6 for nighttime ones. We just moved her into a size 8 sneaker, but she can still wear a 7 in some sandals. She is in 4T footie PJ’s, and in 3T-4T clothing except for dresses where she can still fit into some 2T.
As far as speech goes…girlfriend talks non stop. She says the funniest things and we are constantly laughing at what comes out of her mouth. I love how she mispronounces words, too. Our dog, Bella, she calls “Bell-do”. It’s adorable, and I will be so upset when she starts saying her name the right way! She also says “hold you!” instead of hold me. The other day she said it correctly, and it made me so sad! She hasn’t gotten into asking “why” yet, but a phrase I hear at least 1000000 times a day is “what happened?”
She is super independent and says “I do it myself” to almost everything. She wants to walk everywhere, and I rarely carry her. She is NOT into hand holding, so that has been a challenge, but she will at least hold our hand to cross the street. She can put her sneakers on herself, and tries to put on socks and sandals. Some days she wants to pick out her clothes, and some days I pick for her and she doesn’t fuss (relief!) She wants to get in the car seat by herself, walk the dog herself, and the list goes on and on.
We are smack dab in the middle of potty training, and I think it’s going really well for the minimal effort I have put into it so far (not wanting to push her or stress about it). About half the time she tells us she needs to go, but the other half we have to remind/ask her. From the get go she wanted to go on the big potty as opposed to the training potty. We are about to move her into pull-ups for school because she is doing so well there. We make a HUGE deal when she goes, jumping up and down and screaming, and she loves it and cheers along with us.
She is a tricky little thing, and now will say things like “I need candy to make my tummy feel better” good try, kid. She also is all about stalling bedtime now, saying things like “’nother kiss!” or “I so cold!”
Speaking of sleep, she has been doing really well and survived the recent time change relatively unscathed. We put her to bed at 7:45, and she sleeps until about 6:30. The only time she wakes up at night is if she wants more water, and the other night was our first experience with her waking up due to a bad dream. As far as naps go, she still doesn’t nap long, right around an hour to an hour and ten minutes usually, and about once a week at school she doesn’t nap at all. She is still in her crib, I am hanging on to that one as long as I can! She can climb out of it, but hasn’t attempted to during nap or at night yet so we are thankful for that. I always tell her “have good/sweet dreams” at night before bed, and in the morning when I go get her, the first thing she says is “I had good dreams!”
Emma Kate has gotten really cuddly as of late, which is interesting because she never was a cuddly baby. She wants to sit in my lap, hug and hold Bella (who by the way has gotten better with her, too), and gives hugs and kisses to everyone (zero stranger danger!) When we watch movies she wants me to sit down next to her on the sofa, and she covers us up with blankets.
As far as playtime goes, she is in to lots of different things. She likes to cook in her kitchen, and play mama to her babies. She will feed them, rock them in her rocking chair, and put them to bed. She likes loading up her shopping cart full of figurines and things and brings it into the living room, dumps it out and then lines up everything on the coffee table. She loves to be outside, so we have been going on family walks, going to the playground, and going to the pool (which she loves!)
She is still very much into YouTube kids on the iPad, and her newest thing is watching movies. Thankfully it’s not the same one over and over, well…maybe for a a week then she moves on. The most popular ones lately have been Frozen, Tangled, the 3 Toy Story movies, Monsters Inc., and Beauty and the Beast. I never thought we would get to the point where she would sit for a solid hour and watch a movie but she does and it’s fun to experience my favorite Disney classics with her.
Emma Kate still loves to eat, and now is always asking for a snack. For breakfast she eats anything from eggs to waffles to cereal to yogurt. For snacks she likes pouches, fruit snacks, goldfish crackers, apples, strawberries, and popcorn. She is her mothers child and loves cheese and candy, but we definitely limit both. She still drinks SO much water, which I guess is a good thing except at night when you are trying to potty train!
We have taken her on a few day trips to Disney World and she loves the “big castle” as well as the parade. She really has warmed up to the characters, and gives them big hugs and kisses. She now asks us when she is going back to Disney World, and that she wants to go see her friends like Ana and Elsa and Olaf.
She is generally a super happy very funny girl (aside from a few two year old/strong willed tantrums), and listens for the most part with just a few times here and there of having to go to time out. We are in a good groove with her right now, and I hope it continues! Either way, we can’t believe we are on the down side to having a three year old! I will update again in 6 months when I’m sure she will have changed even more. We love our bug and can’t wait to see what’s next!

Aww what a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing this part of your life with us. It’s fun watching EK turn from a baby into a sweet little girl!
Such a big girl….sweet Emma Kate!
So sweet! We’re actually babysitting my niece as I type this, and everything I’ve tried to give her this morning she says, “I’ll do it!”, And I’m like when did she become a person?!
Haha yes! It’s fun to see her be independent but at the same time everything she does herself is either done really slow or done wrong and I have to re do it haha!
Candy to feel better? Ha! Though my parents did use M&Ms to bribe me during potty training. Considering how much I love chocolate, that worked!
We bribe with chocolate too for the potty!