Four month update! Emma Kate seems like such a little girl now instead of a baby. It’s crazy to see how much she changes so quickly. She is getting to a more fun age where she interacts a lot more and understands more.
Everyone things she is much older than 4 months because her hair is so long! I swear it’s going to be down to her waist by the time she is two! Just like I said in month 3, EK is definitely a dramatic tiny human. When she decides she is ready to eat/sleep/do something else, she can turn on the waterworks in two seconds flat.
This month, Emma Kate Loves:
-Trying to sit up. Homegirl wants to sit by herself SO badly, but always ends up slumping over to the side. She gets so angry and is mentally there but her body just won’t let her just yet.
– Gnawing on her hands. They are always in her mouth, and she is chewing away.
– This girl loves to giggle and things everything is super funny. I have been able to finally capture some on video and they are fun to watch.
– Talking, talking, talking. I just wish I knew what she was saying! She also loves when people talk and sing to her.
– Jumping in her rainforest friends jumper
– Being up high. On daddy’s shoulders, sitting on the counter, anywhere she has a better vantage point
– Sophie the giraffe is a new favorite for chewing.
-Eating. nonstop. I swear this girl is always hungry.
She does NOT like:
– Being ignored
-When you take her bottle away
– Getting her fingernails clipped (OMG. awful.)
– Her carseat
Knock on wood, our baby is still a great sleeper. I had to wake her up yesterday morning after she had been asleep for 13 hours. About once a week she will wake up around 2-3 am and want to eat, but I’ll take it! Naps are still very short. She naps for 30-45 minutes four times a day. We have tried making her stay up a little longer, but she gets super fussy after she has been up for two hours.
We started sleep training a couple of weeks ago and EK caught on very well and very quickly. I am considering doing a whole post on this if anyone is interested? It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be and has really helped free up some time for Bobby and I.
Emma Kate is busting out of 3 months clothes, and is in 3-6 months except for sleepers, she is so long she is now in 9 months in those. We are in size 2 diapers, and eating around 30 ounces of formula a day.
She had her 4 month check up and shot yesterday and did so well. Didn’t even flinch for the first one, and fussed for maybe 5 seconds for the second one but no crying of screaming. I was so worked up for no reason ha.
We discussed her spit up issue (as in she spits up a TON all the time and gets fussy about it sometimes) and decided to try her on some Zantac to see if it helps with the acid.
Her official four month stats: She weighs 15 pounds 10 ounces (77%), is 25.5 inches tall (88%) and her head is 42 cm (85%).
We started Mother’s morning out twice a week at church, and it’s been a little rough. She’s not used to sleeping with all the noise and light, so I’m hoping she gets used to it because she has been really cranky and overtired. But, it’s the only time I can get work done at home.
Also, I joined the gym and have brought her to gym childcare twice…but I will be honest I really don’t like it. It’s very overcrowded and has kids of all ages. I had a 2 year old pelting me with wooden blocks when I brought EK in, and it was just pure chaos, so I try to use it as a last resort.
We left baby girl for the first time last weekend while we went to New Orleans for two nights for a half marathon. It was great to recharge and hang out with adults and I slept for 9.5 hours the first night! Grammy and Grandpa watched her and she was a good girl so I didn’t feel so guilty. I missed her but realize the importance of getting away, too. When I can recharge and travel a bit, it makes me a better mom, so it’s a win for everyone.
We plan to start solids after we get back from Disney at the end of February. She will be just over five months old then. We don’t want to start before we go out of town because it will just make things more complicated for the mine and Bobby’s mom who will be watching her.
I remember thinking back when Emma Kate was born that if I could just get through the first couple of months things would get better, and they have. Each stage has it’s own challenges, but she’s becoming more of a little person every day. I love my little nugget!
QOTD: When did you start solid food with your baby?

I’ve got a one month old and love your updates. Please do one on sleep training … Since my little one refuses!
aw I’m sorry! one month is too young to sleep train, but trust me when I say it will get better! I plan to work on a post that will hopefully help when she gets a bit older!
She’s so cute! Yup, totally agree with you – each stage is better than the last!
So cute! Love the update!! 🙂 Hope we get to meet her soon!
I just love seeing her personality start to come through!
You’re doing so great with her Heather! You can tell in her pictures that she’s thriving! Sleep training is the BEST thing I ever did with my two! They are great sleepers!
knock on wood EK is doing well at night, hopefully it stays that way!
EK is absolutely adorable! I’ve been loving all of her smiley pictures!
thank you!
She’s adorable and I feel like she’s growing up so fast! I’m sure you feel the same way!
yes! she changes so much so quickly.
I love your updates! Please do a post on sleep training!
going to work on something for next week.
Shots always make me cringe (I do NOT like needles), but it sounds like she was a trooper yesterday. I don’t know when my parents moved me to solid food, but my first adult food was chocolate pudding!
that sounds lie a delish first food!
I tried with both mine around 4-5 months, but neither were interested in solids until around a year when they stopped nursing as much. The food was more for experience than actual nutrition. After they weaned, they began to eat much more.
What a cutie!
I have a two month old and he is just a little smaller than EK! We’re in size 2 diapers, 3-6 month clothing, 6 month sleepers, and eating 30 oz a day! Reading this update made me realize how big he is, our pediatrician says not to be concerned because he’s proportional and my husband was a big baby. My boy is about 13 1/2 pounds, 23 1/2 inches, and 44 cm head circumference.
Precious girl! I would definitely be interested in a post about sleep training.
She’s so cute! She can be the next Gerber baby w/ those cheeks!