Happy half birthday to my baby girl! This seems like such a huge milestone, and se is getting more and more fun every day. A lot has happened this month, so let’s jump right in!
Emma Kate loves:
making any and all noises
watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
petting Bella
playing with her feet
eating her bib/chewing on her clothing
when I dance, do jumping jacks, hop around, or act silly
Emma Kate does not like:
sleeping in her crib
When she can’t reach something
being woken up from naps
taking her medicine
We now have two teeth! One popped up soon after she turned five months, and the other came just a few days later. She was a little fussy but took it like a champ. We have been consistently walking with her the correct way in the jogging stroller (no car seat) but not running that way just yet.
At her 6 month appointment, we got EK’s stats. She is 18 pounds two ounces (84%), and is in the 97% for height (no surprises there!) and 92% for head circumference.
Emma Kate is in size 3 diapers, and is busting out of her 6 month onesies. She is in 9 month sleepers full time, and most of her pants are 9 months. She is eating about 34/35 ounces of formula a day, and the new thing that was “big” this month, was starting solid food! It took her about a week to get used to and figure out the spoon, but home girl really loves her some bananas!
She is now officially in her bed full time. We had a bit of a setback when we came back from staying at my parents for a week where she slept in the swing, but we powered through and after a few rough days, she is accepting the crib (still taking SHORT naps) but she slept all night in the crib last night without waking up, hooray!
We are having a great time learning more and more about Emma Kate and can’t wait to see what the next 6 months bring. She is such a sweet smiley girl.
QOTD: When did your baby get their first tooth? Who thinks EK needs to do a diaper dash?

So, so sweet! I cannot believe how big she is getting! After 6 months things get a lot easier, in my opinion. Also, I love that she loves bananas — that’s the one food Hadley has always refused haha.
She just keeps getting prettier and prettier Heather! I LOVE her smiles! They are contagious! And yes…she DEFINITELY needs to do a diaper dash!!! 🙂
So sweet! Love the pictures and her update! Her outfits are too cute! 🙂
Have her do a diaper dash and reward her with bananas 🙂
I can’t believe our girls our 6 months old!!! crazy!! I hope Emma starts liking naps 🙂 thinking of you!! She is such a cutie!! Madison has no teeth yet, I am a little nervous for it.