Wow. Just….wow. How is this possible? How is my baby ONE MONTH old?!?! The first two and a half weeks, the days drug on so slowly, but in the past week or so she has changed so much and time is flying.
I decided to break up my posts into two, so she will have her own post, then I will do one on how I am doing one month out sometime next week. So, let’s take a look at “baby M” and her first month of life.
First off, we are so thankful that she is a healthy baby with no serious medical problems. I realize how truly blessed we are that she arrived healthy and has remained so. I have heard horror stories of babies not sleeping at all, crying non stop and the like, and I can say aside from her first week of life and then a few days of fussiness around 2.5 weeks, she is a very happy non-fussy baby.
In the beginning, she was nursing for 45-50 minutes every two hours, so I was only getting an hour break. I started pumping and Bobby started giving her a bottle at night around the second week and it was SO nice to get a little extra sleep.
We had a little issue at first with jaundice and weight loss which is now under control and Emma Kate is gaining weight like a champ. Her two week checkup went great, and by just over three weeks she weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces.
EK has just in the past few days really started to look at the world around her. For the first couple of weeks she was so sleepy and we would put her in the Boppy newborn lounger in whatever room I was in, and she would snooze on and off all day. But, now we alternate between the swing, bouncer, Boppy, and her activity gym when she’s not being held.
Emma Kate is not impressed.
At three weeks, Emma Kate was doing tummy time on her activity mat and she rolled over on her back! I about flipped out, and she just looked at me like “what, mom?”
She likes her pacifier, but ONLY the soothie ones. She hasn’t had any trouble taking a bottle, and will take one from anyone. She is VERY vocal, constantly making noises, grunting, groaning, and moaning even in her sleep.
As far as clothing goes, she can still fit into newborn onesies, but outgrew the footie pajamas after week two because her legs are so long! 0-3 are still huge on her though, and she is still in newborn diapers. I bought ONE newborn outfit for her, so the only clothes in that size she has are from friends/baby shower, so she has been wearing the same things over and over. I can’t wait until she goes up a size and can wear cute new outfits she has never worn!
Emma Kate sleeps in the Bassinest next to our bed (more on that later in a separate post!) but prefers to nap on her stomach during the day. Don’t worry, I keep a close eye on her, and she can lift her head and turn it side to side, and we don’t put blankets around her. She will sleep in 4 hours stretches at night now which is awesome.
She has such a sweet personality, and loves being held. She likes when I walk around so she can see everything in the house. Homegirl does NOT like having a wet or dirty diaper and will scream, even waking herself up from sleep when she has one. But really, can you blame her?
Everyone comments on how much hair she has, and asks if she had that much when she was born. I think she looks like me, but has Bobby’s mouth, and certain facial expressions she has look like Bobby, too. Baby started getting some acne on her face at week two, and also has been having some seriously dry skin. Other than that which is super minor, she is healthy and (I hope!) happy. She is changing daily!
QOTD: When did your baby start sleeping in long stretches? What about smiling?

Milo will sleep in 3-5 hour stretches as he feels like it and man- it’s like winning the lottery! I feel ya about the flipping from tummy to back thing! He can scoot across his blanky and turn himself around! So nuts!! It’s fun to see they are doing the same stuff!
She’s so precious and it sounds like you have a great sleeper on your hands!
Loving all of the pictures of her! Has it really already been a month since she was born?!?!?
Omg is she really a month old already??? Wow! She is just so precious! I love all her expressions! And WOW to her rolling over already!!!
Caleb has slept until 4 am (so about 4-5 hours) three times. But usually at night when he eats he falls straight to sleep and is easy to put down. He will also sleep 3-4 hours for at least one nap during the day. Somehow, still making it without feeling too exhausted…though it always seems to hit me on Sundays, leading to a long nap while daddy watches baby. I have pumped some but am trying to reserve that for return to work, so we haven’t fed him with bottles at night yet. Sigh…
EK is so cute, though I’m not sure she’s a fan of the headband! (Caleb’s not a fan of hats, either.)
She is so cute!! Happy 1 month baby EK!
I really should have written this stuff down! My guy started going 3-4 hours around 4 weeks. We cut out his middle of the night feed around 8 weeks because he was eating for 2 minutes then falling back to sleep…it was habit over hunger. He eventually started going 5-7 hours by 10ish weeks, and only just after turning 4 months has he moved to 9-12 hours of sleep. It’s truly a miracle when he sleeps that long! I still recall the earlier days and shudder. Congrats to EK on the weight gain! Wishing her continued health and growth.
I can’t believe our little babies are one month – well Madison will be one month on Monday! She hasn’t really smiled at me yet – still waiting for that day. She sleeps 4 hours at night too! lately which has been so nice 🙂 I am planning on introducing bottles this weekend, I am excited about so I can get more sleep!
My first-born started sleeping 6 hour stretches at 6 weeks, but about three months she regressed back. EK is so adorable! Congratulations!!
So adorable!! Let her sleep on her tummy lots! I did that with both my girls and they slept thru the night much, much sooner. That’s how babies like to sleep, at least from my experience; my 6 yr old son still sleeps on his tummy all the time. My (now) 6 mo old started sleeping thru the night by 3 mos, it is so nice when that happens!!