I posted Emma Kate’s one month update last week, and now it’s time for my update! I know these types of posts can be kind of touchy, so please keep in mind 1.) I have been cleared by my doctor for running, and 2.) These are MY personal feelings on my body, my progress, etc. Everyone is different, some people don’t care about working out again after a baby or losing the weight, but it is important for me to have goals and milestones to keep myself going.
I lost 17 pounds in the first ten days post partum. I was feeling great about myself and thought “hey, this isn’t so hard! I am still eating like I am pregnant and not working out, this is great!” But then..I stalled. From day 17 until now I have lost exactly one pound.
I know this is normal, but it can still be frustrating. But, as they say, it took 9 months for me to gain it, so I just need to be patient.
It’s not as much about the way I look, but more about the way I feel. I am chafing in places I never chaffed before, feel heavy on my feet running, and can’t fit into any of my pants or shorts which makes me feel uncomfortable. I’m back in most of my regular tops, but still in maternity bottoms (and stretchy forgiving capri pants to run in!)
For month two I am going to focus more on what I am eating. I know I formed some bad habits while I was pregnant and I need to break them. Right now my biggest issue is time. I am so busy with my job and the baby I am having a hard time fitting in anything else. Working out is something that keeps me sane and calm, so when I don’t get to do it I am even more stressed. I am home alone with her all day, and sometimes Bobby works odd hours which can make it difficult to get a workout in other than walking the baby in the stroller.
So how exactly are my workouts going? Slow, but I am doing more at this stage than I thought I would be doing which makes me proud. Last week I ran four times. Well, run/walked. 2 miles twice and 2.25 miles twice. Yesterday I ran/walked 3 miles, a new post baby PDR. It’s slow, but I am building my base back up for my upcoming races that I cannot wait to run, I miss it!
QOTD: When did you go back to working out after you had a baby? Do you struggle more with workouts or eating right?

You look great! Keep up the running. Fit it in whenever you can. It’s the only thing that made me feel like me for the longest time after baby.
You are doing so great!! I can’t imagine finding the time and energy to workout with having a newborn. I have a hard enough time finding it myself without any children!
You look great! I didn’t realize you had to go back to work so soon. That has to be so difficult to be able to do it all, basically. With an infant, I can’t imagine! Slow and steady wins 🙂
I feel the exact same!!! I stalled out around two weeks and the scale hasn’t budged. I’ve heard people say around 4-5 months is when things seem more normal…but also have heard it all just comes off when you stop breastfeeding. Sigh. All for baby, right?! The biggest “struggle” for me has been in not having pants to wear (seriously…identical to what you said!).
I have walked almost daily since baby LOVES to take walks. I’ve also done a few workout videos and gone to my favorite gym classes twice. Otherwise, I can’t get to the gym unless David is here and he’s at work most of the day, so that hasn’t happened. I got into a bad habit of having something to eat right before bed. However, I am now waking up hungry in the middle of the night with feeds. So, I haven’t cut that out but I am trying SO hard to make my snack healthy rather than the yummy Blue Bell that’s in our freezers. Again…sigh!
You’re doing awesome, Heather!! <3
For me it was definitely eating. I have/had not problem with fitness since I teach fitness classes, but I definitely had to work on eating less sweets and actually making time to eat real food (b/c I was always thinking about her, I didn't prep as much good food for me.) It comes with time too, so don't be hard on yourself! xo
You are one month behind me so I definitely know how you feel about your body not feeling/looking the way you want it.
For me the saving grace was a gym with childcare three days a week and a husband who knows I want to compete again and takes extra child duty on weekend mornings so I can get back in the gym.
I’d like to say eating is harder, but in that I have to eat so much to maintain breastfeeding. I ate suuuuuper clean during pregnancy and was really regimented and now I feel completely all over the place.
My four week pp appointment was yesterday and I was clears to workout. I’m so excited to get moving again. I’ve gone on some walks, but I’m ready to sweat! It’s been hard to not have workouts be a part of my day, I’m looking forward to using it as ‘me’ time.
I’m actually working on a post about working out postpartum. It is so difficult, especially in light of social media overachievers (No ill will intended towards anyone, but it’s a fact of life). In reality, the time, energy, and pain challenges are pretty intense. Especially as first time moms, finding the balance is difficult. And just so you know, I lost 20lbs as of 10 days after having my baby, then didn’t lose an OUNCE for 6+ weeks thereafter, at one point going up a pound (At my doctor’s office…cue tears.) I’m fighting for every ounce, I’m even off soy and dairy for my son, and still up 15lbs. Had to readjust my expectations, get a handle on my emotions, deal with a few injuries, and realize that everyone is different and I will lose the weight. You’re doing great! It’s always worth it. Always.
You are looking fabulous!
I was back at the gym 4 weeks post partum. It took 5 months to lose all my baby eight with child #1, and two years with child number 2!! Well, actually it took 8 months, but I put on a good 15 pounds between children (gained weight with two pregnancies that ended in miscarriage) that I’m still struggling with.
You will lose it, and if something stalls you (like me), just keep at it! You are SO right, it’s about breaking the bad habits.
Thank you for sharing and being so honest! I am 18 weeks pregnant, so I really appreciate this post to anticipate what will happen after my little one comes!
I just ran a half marathon on Sunday, which was my first since becoming (well, knowing that I was) pregnant.
You look great for having a baby a month ago! Don’t get discouraged! Enjoy baby MK! 🙂
You’re doing awesome Heather! You look great! I know you will get back to where you were quickly! Especially since you were in such good shape before you got pregnant. It’s the eating part that is the hardest for me. I got the workout part down!
You look fabulous for one month after! You are so inspiring! 🙂 I’ve been putting off buying maternity clothes as I wear a lot of long tops as it is (and the belly band is saving my life right now so I can wear my old pants and skirts), but I know I’ll get there eventually. Thankfully all my lululemon running pants and capris still fit with lots of give, I haven’t tried out the tops yet though :S