I know I am a little late, but better late than never! I can’t believe another month has come and gone and it’s time for another update. I know these updates aren’t liked by all, and that’s ok. For me though, I found body after baby posts SO helpful when I was pregnant. If I had not read what other bloggers had to say, I would have had very unrealistic expectations of what to expect from myself. I wouldn’t have known that a lot of weight comes off at first but then slows down or stops completely. I wouldn’t have known that it would take a long time for me to feel like myself again physically, and I would have felt very alone.
I take my workouts seriously, and while some people think I should spend every waking moment staring at my new baby and not worry about running, the reality of it is I NEED to workout to get out of the house and get away from her for a bit. #KeepingItReal. I have only been running 3-4 days a week, so I have plenty of time and days to spend with her, but mama needs some alone time, too.
So, it is my hope that maybe talking about my progress and struggles will help someone else going through the same thing.
Just over two months. Also the day after Thanksgiving. Not the smartest time to take a photo!
I still have a belly pooch, but I feel like last month it started up at my ribs and went down to my hips, and this month it is just above my hips. Progress, people!
Month two’s progress was a lot slower than month one. The scale says something different every day, but I think it’s safe to say I lost around two pounds this month. This puts be about 7 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight, and about 10-12 from my happy weight. It’s a really difficult time of year to try to get back to the way I was! I have not joined a gym yet because they don’t have childcare until the babies are six months old, but I’m thinking in January I will join anyway because I really want to start firming up again.
My running has been going pretty well. I am up to six miles as my longest run, and I will bump up to seven tomorrow. I’m still behind where I wanted to be by now as far as mileage, but as long as I can complete Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans, I will be happy. There won’t be any PR’s but that’s ok. I have been struggling a bit with my IT band and the neuroma in my left foot, but I am managing with foam rolling, KT tape, and ibuprofen.
I haven’t been very strict with my eating because of the holidays, but I figure as long as I am making progress and taking baby steps then I am happy. I did the Advocare fiber cleanse, and I have been taking Omegaplex, Catalyst, and spark. (You can purchase any of these products from me here.) The spark is especially helpful in giving me energy when I REALLY don’t feel like working out.
Other post baby changes going on with my body are not so fun. My hair is falling out in HUGE CLUMPS! Luckily I have super thick hair so I’m not worried about it getting too thin, but it’s really weird and there is hair all over my house. Also, my face that was so smooth and clear during pregnancy is now breaking out like I’m 13 again. My linea nigra is still there but fading, but I am overall feeling more like myself.
Confession: I still cannot fit into any of my pre baby jeans/pants, so I pretty much wear yoga pants every day. Thank goodness it’s winter so I can wear tights and long tunics as well.
My goals for this next month are to make it through Christmas without gaining a bunch of weight, and to keep upping my running mileage. Also, injury maintenance is a must. I am doing more stretching and foam rolling to help my body recover well. I am pleased with my progress, and it’s neat to think that just two months ago my body did something really amazing and now I am out running longer distances again. I am quite proud!
QOTD: Did you have a reality check post baby as far as weight loss or workouts? How do you stay healthy during the holidays?

Thank you for posting about this topic. I had my baby about 6 weeks ago and I had (have) unrealistic expectations about the weight loss. I’m up to 2 miles a day in my running and, like you, it’s a welcome break from the little one 🙂 .
It sounds like you have very healthy expectations! You are doing well. I do not have a holiday plan…I’m going to be in Germany visiting my in-laws. I usually give myself free rein because we aren’t there during Christmas very much. A couple of pounds is something I can deal with.
Girl you look great!!! It took you 9 months to put on the weight so it will take time to get it off. But you are on the right track for sure! And don’t let anyone make you feel bad about needing time away from baby. That’s a part of it. You have to give and give so much as a mom and it’s actually good for you to take a break from her. You’re doing great girl! EK looks like such a happy baby! 🙂
While I’m not pregnant, it’s important to hear these stories. Celebrities certainly skew reality and then we are left with ridiculous expectations.
I guess my unrealistic expectation was that after I stopped BFing the weight would stay off on its own. I got back to my heaviest weight ever of 140 and it has taken a lot for me to stay around 130 these days. Just a warning because that part sucked!
Heather, you look fabulous! When you first posted the picture after your 6 mile run I thought to myself “Did she really just have a baby two months ago?!?” While I am by no means an expert on any of this, nor have I experienced pregnancy and child birth yet, it sounds like you have a very realistic approach to loosing the baby weight. Keep up the good work!
You are looking and doing awesome! I can’t even imagine how it must feel to try to get back into shape after having a baby, so I have nothing but respect for you and other moms I see!
Whoever is telling you they dont like these post labor posts or that you should not do them is insane! You have ALWAYS shared your fitness goals and happenings around what’s going on in your life so why should now be any different? This direction your blog is taking is great and a natural thing based on what you are going through in your life so keep it up! You are doing great!
I hear you on not feeling like yourself! My daughter is 7 weeks old and I’m definitely not as fast or strong as I used to be. But like you, I see small progress so I’m encouraged to keep on working at it!
Looking great! Are you following any specific plan for increasing running distance? Like a run/walk plan? I am struggling to get past 2 miles but then again, I haven’t been a “long distance” runner in the past like you are 🙂
I have been doing my own plan that I change depending on the day. When I first started at three weeks pp I would walk a tenth, run a tenth, then I changed it to .25 walking .25 running, then run .25, walk a tenth, etc. until I was doing mainly running. Now I can do 6 miles stopping 1-2 times a mile for 30 seconds. 🙂
You should absolutely be so proud of yourself and your progress! (not to mention that little cutie pie you made!) You should never feel like you need to defend yourself for taking time for you. It’s necessary! I know there are undoubtedly a lot of struggles, but you’ve made this journey with such grace and strength (you’re a southern woman, so of course you have!) 🙂
You’re looking great, girl! Way to go with the mileage!!
You look awesome! You’re really doing great! I agree, these types of posts are so motivating. I’m almost 8 months postpartum now and I’ve been at my pre-pregnancy weight for a long time but I still have the belly pooch. I would have never known that was normal!
UGH hair falling out in clumps is the absolute worst!
You look great!!! My hair hasn’t started falling out yet. I am nervous for it, but like you I have really thick hair 🙂