Fall brings lots of excited things folks. It is one of my favorite times of year. Living in the south, I wait and wait with great anticipation for fall so we can see something other than heat and humidity. Here is a short list of things I look forward to that fall brings.
Fall brings…
Cooler weather. Well into October, we will have temps in the upper 80’s. But to us, this is “cooler weather.” I have worn shorts and a t-shirt on Thanksgiving day before. I only speak the truth, and this one makes me sad. Even though it is still quite warm, the humidity has subsided a bit and made running a little more bearable!
Pumpkin everything. I love pumpkins. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins (check out my recipe) pumpkin scented candles, and pumpkins on front porches. My yankee candle has been burning in the kitchen and it makes me happy.
Races. While a lot of the country is winding down their race season, we are gearing up for ours! We don’t generally have many races other than 5k’s from May-September. It’s just too dang hot. Most of my races fall between October and February, unless it’s a destination race.
Boots and sweaters. I love tall boots! They are so fun and sassy and I can’t wait to pull mine out! Granted, I don’t own a ton of sweaters, but they will hopefully be able to come out sometime in November. Sad times I know.
Football. Geaux LSU Tigers and WHO DAT Saints. I spend all day Saturday and Sunday watching football if at all possible. ‘Nuff said.
QOTD: What is your favorite thing that fall brings?

I’m kind of looking forward to our move to GA next month so I can indulge in the “cooler” southern temps just a bit longer. It already started to get COOOOOLD here in Idaho. And to know that fall is prime time racing season there makes this girl happy!! My favorite thing that fall brings is college football. Our city goes crazzzy over those Boise State Broncos…it’s just fun to be a part of all the craziness! 🙂
oh thats great! yeah I don’t think I would like Idaho too much.
Usually I would say that pumpkins are my favorite thing about Fall, but since I live in England now and they don’t have pumpkin ANYTHING I have to agree that weather is the number one thing 🙂 Gotta love all the colorful leaves!
they don’t? what a bummer!
fall what’s fall in FL?
oh wait where it’ll be mid 80’s instead of high 90’s?!
no leaves to change color
but like there, more races in fall than any other time of year
haha I hear ya on the heat. the high has been mid 80’s here all week
the only difference in y’all and here is some of your trees leaves change we have palm trees! otherwise you’re as hot & humid as we are. We’re hitting 92 today!
I love fall!! Pumpkins, leaves changing color, and football top my list!
Fall is by far my favorite season! It’s been unseasonably warm the past week up here in Michigan – but the colors are gorgeous. And I’m right with you on the tall boots – I finally have found ‘skinny jeans’ that work for me and the tall boots go perfectly with them! I think I may need to get more…;)
Fall brings beautiful colors in CT! and we have the absolute BEST Fall running weather (OK today was an unusual record breaking 83*, but that will change mid week) I too, love PUMPKIN everything, and day trips to Bennington, VT to visit the “apple barn” for amazing apple squares! I also spend all day watching football on sundays (after a long run of course) and cheering for a certain “patriotic” NE team 😉
I will forgive you for cheering for the patriots.
Pumpkin everything. Nuff said. 😉 Fall also brings my kid’s b-day and mine (although mine is not one to celebrate! ha)
I can’t believe Kenji is having another birthday!
You pretty much hit everything I love about fall. I’m a huge football fan too. I’m an Auburn grad but I’ll cheer for anyone in the SEC as long as we aren’t playing them. Things are looking pretty good for either LSU or AL to bring another National title home for the SEC!
thats how I feel about LSU and the SEC lol!
FOOTBALL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL!!!!! If LSU plays in the National Championship Game, it’ll basically be like a home game 🙂 YAY! I love jeans and scarves weather, my favorite! And cooler weather so don’t feel like i’m going to die… hip hip hooray!
scarves! good one!