Evening all! Today was a crazy day! Bobby and I got up and ran our first 5k in our new city! More on the tomorrow when I do my recap. Then we hurried home and I drove an hour to my cousins’ fiancé’s bridal shower. It was so nice. my cousin (mother of the groom) hosted at her house and it was gorgeous. I will post pictures of that in a couple days! I didn’t get home until about 6:15, and I am pooped! But, I couldn’t get to bed without the promised photos and article from the magazine I was lucky enough to be on the cover of!
Fit magazine is a monthly New Orleans magazine that started in January. It is a part of NOLA.com and the Times Picayune. So, if you get the paper in New Orleans, you got this magazine as an insert yesterday. It has stories about being healthy and getting fit, as well as advertisements for gyms, healthy food stores, etc. I am on this month’s cover, and there is an article on the inside about me being a fitness role model!
here is the cover!!
Here is the table of contents:
and…here is the article!
Totally realize the words are too small…so here is the online version!
NOLA.com/Time Picayune FIT Magazine Article
SO, what are your thoughts on the article? I tried to be as honest as possible. A couple funny things about the pictures…you may remember me saying how cold it was and how my hands were turning red…look closely at the cover photo, you can see how red my hands were! Also, the bench photo…we spent an hour taken hundreds of photos, and as we were walking back to our cars the photographer decides “let’s take a goofy photo” as an afterthought…and THAT is the one that makes it in the magazine? LOL! I know he took some good ones, wish I could see them all! Another great magazine to subscribe to is the Atlanta Parent Magazine. It has so many parenting tips and tricks, I love this magazine!
A couple I took today…
my gooby husband.
Don’t forget to enter my Punkeelove Headbands giveaway!
QOTD: Thoughts on the article? I am pleased, I just wish they would have put my blog address like I asked!!!

Wow, Heather!! You look FABULOUS!! Congratulations! I didn’t read the article yet, but I will. I LOOOOVE your black and white dress, that is the exact kind of dress I have been looking for! Again, congrats!!! 🙂
thanks! its from Black and white from a couple years ago.
That is amazing! Congrats!
OMG! You look amazing, and I love the article – I’m sure you’re inspiring TONS of NOLA residents already!
aw thank you!
Wow! Great pictures and nice article! I love the dress you were wearing today (?) too. You look great. And, nice pic of the man with his covergirl. 😉
thank you! the dress is from Black & white
congrats on the cover you look amazing and are such a role model to so many girls!
aw thanks!
Awesome!! I bet you are so excited to finally see it all together. Id be a little irritated about not including the blog address too! Is that how they found you? Anyway it looks great!
yeah i was a little annoyed but oh well. No actually its not how they found me but I wish they would have acknowledged my blog!
Sweet! Not only do you get an article you get the whole front cover. How cool is that?! The article sounds great…congrats! 🙂
thank you thank you!
LOVE it! You should be so proud of yourself! Can I have an autographed copy? 😉
haha! nerd. 🙂
I was so going to ask for that, too!! Hahahah! When I saw the picture of her holding it up in front of her house I thought, “Hmmm…I want one that’s autographed!” Hahah!
Congrats on the article and the photos came out beautiful. I thought your answers were simple and direct which is great. I’m from the camp less is more.
thank you, I tried to be honest!
Wow! How awesome is that!!! Congratulations!
🙂 thanks
This is awesome! Congrats to you, girl. You look great in the pictures.
thanks Lily!
Wow! You look great!! That is awesome that you are on the cover of a magazine! Do you feel famous?? 🙂 I think I would 😀 Congrats!!
haha! It is exciting. I was honored.
You look great on the cover!!! Wow that is so awesome! Good for you!!! I just read the article online – good stuff! 🙂
thanks, I appreciate it!
Ahhh this is so great! You look amazing! Congratulations!
thank you!
It all looks FABULOUS!! Congrats again!!
thanks so much 🙂
Yay! I love it! Can’t wait to see it in person!! :0) Congrats!
That is so cool! I love that you were a cover feature! Congrats!
How cool that you were in a magazine!! Congratulations girl!
Congratulations!!!! So exciting.
You look great! Congrats! That is really weird they wouldn’t put in the blog address.
Looks fabulous! Congrats! 🙂
thank you! :o)