Happy Valentine’s Day! Be sure to tell someone how much you love them!
A couple days ago, I received a message from a reader saying they saw some photos of me in Fitness magazine. Huh. I had no idea! I wasn’t able to get to the store until today, and sure enough, there are four photos of yours truly in the magazine (now if only it listed my blog name I would be a happy girl!)
Can you find all 4 photos of me without looking below?
The article accompanying these photos (page 74) is titled “Ready. Set. Run!” and spreads the message that anyone can run. When you turn the page, it opens out into a huge training plan chart for running a 5k in six weeks, running a 10k in eight weeks, or running a half marathon in twelve weeks. It gives you a guide on what workouts to do on what days to help you reach your goal, as well as tips for preventing injury.
Tips on how to run better, a gear guide, and popular races and their websites are also included in this handy guide. I am so glad that a magazine as popular as Fitness is helping people achieve their running goals by reminding us that running isn’t just for the elite or super fit, but that average Joe’s like myself can reach their goals as well! It also includes with each plan what to expect, and gives motivational advice. It’s a very uplifting piece, I am so glad they put it in the mag. If you haven’t picked up the issue I encourage you to do so simply for this training plan if you are looking for something to get you started on your running journey.
Did you spot me? I know it’s hard to see with the gloss of the pages, so here they are up close.
runDisney Royal Family 5k 2012
Woman’s half marathon 2012
Gulf Coast Half Marathon 2012
runDisney Princess half marathon 2012 (If you fold out the insert this same photo is across the top).
I was so stoked and honored to see my photos in the magazine, and am so thankful to be included with the great message that this article gives! I hope you will check it out and get moving!
QOTD: What training plan to you use? or do you even use one?
Cindy @runarelyrun says
This is so great!!! Your blog inspired me to start my own and to keep running no matter how much of a beginner I feel like! Some bloggers out there have a disconnet with their readers, but I feel like you are always considering your readers and encouraging them! Congrats girl! You deserve it!
Heather says
That is such an amazing compliment, thank you so much. I don’t ever want that disconnect!
Ali says
That’s so cool! What a fun surprise to be in a magazine 🙂 I usually use training plans from coolrunning.com, but for my upcoming marathon I’m working with a running coach so I can train for a goal time and incorporate a few races into my training runs.
Mindy @Road Runner Girl says
Awesome!!!! And some of my favorite pictures of you! 🙂
Lesley says
I did not use a training plan for my first two half marathons, but discovered during training for my second that I needed one as I could built faster and I was stronger. Now that I’ve started training for my third, I’m using the Marathoning for Mortals one.
Sarah @PickyRunner says
Oh my gosh congrats on making it into the magazine! That’s incredible and something you’ll be able to have forever.
Fancy Nancy says
Wow!! Congrats! Those are such fun pictures too!!
Maureen says
That’s so cool! I will have to check that issue out. When I first started running, I followed the Couch to 5K plan. I’m currently using a Runner’s World Smart Coach plan for my upcoming 10 miler. If I’m not training for something specific I just wing it.
Tiff @ Love, Sweat, & Beers says
Awesome! That’s really great. Fitness has done a great job reaching out to bloggers and their readers.
Heather (Where's the Beach) says
So awesome girl!!! I’ve used 2 different plans previously. The first half it was some crazy-hard-insane plan my husband found from runner’s world. I mean insane – like made doing 1600 repeats sound easy. But I did the whole darn thing LOL. The next half I used Smart Coach. Then after that…just sort of kept up with a long run, tempos, hills, mid-distance runs on a regular basis.
Amanda @RunToTheFinish says
wohooo soo cool, i’ll be buying a copy just to check this out!
Jody - Fit at 55 says
HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will check it out!
Erin @ The Speckled Palate says
Congrats on being in Fitness magazine, girl! That’s awesome! I’m interested to see these training plans they lay out there, so I am gonna have to get my hands on a copy soon!
Heather says
thanks friend! Miss you! Was thinking of RO this weekend!
Erin @ The Speckled Palate says
You’re welcome. Miss you, too, and was thinking about RO, as well. We all should find a way to get back together and catch up one of these days!
Heather says
yes! Let me know if you are ever over this way. You are in Dallas right?
Erin @ The Speckled Palate says
Yes, ma’am, I am! I’ll give you a shout if I am, and you do the same. 🙂
lisa fine@vermont vittles says
So cool – congrats! You are all over that! How do you think they got so many images of you?
I use Jeff Galloway’s plans for my races, and I’m using his marathon plan for my first marathon in May.
Heather says
I’m not sure why there are so many. I put a couple on their Facebook page for something I think?
Jen says
Yay! SO fun that you were in the magazine!
Beth @ Running with the Sunrise says
I actually want to get certified as a running coach for the reason you describe–running has the power to change lives and I think everyone should know that they can become a runner if they want to. I bop around between training plans with each cycle for a peak race. Right now I’m merging a Higdon training plan with a plan in Pfitzinger and Douglas’ Advanced Marathoning book.
Beth @ Running with the Sunrise says
Oh, and congrats on getting your pictures published! Those photos make running look like a lot of fun and they would definitely motivate me to start running. 🙂
Frank@The Fat Runner says
Celebrity I tell you! You are a celebrity! lol
Heather says
LOL I wish
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast says
That’s so cool! What a fun surprise. Enjoy your Valentine’s day!!
Kat says
What an awesome surprise! I follow a training plan put together by my running coach 🙂
Karen :0) says
VERY cool! Congrats!!
Pavement Runner says
I was able to spot 3, but i blame the top one (in yellow dress) because of the glare.
Congrats super star!
Heather says
I didn’t spot it at first either (the yellow) thanks!