So happy for the Weekend! I know you are, too! (I would think so?) This weekend is extra special to me, because today, September 10, marks the seven year anniversary of me and Bobby’s first DATE! I cannot believe we have been together for 7 years. That makes me feel old!
Look how young we look in this engagement photo! I was newly 21, Bobby was newly 23.
Bobby and I met in college, playing intramural volleyball the first weekend of my sophomore year, Bobby’s first senior year….or second junior year, however you want to look at it. hehe. He was the hot, cool older guy who drove a red corvette and I was the nobody sophomore who almost didn’t go back to school where I did due to a bad breakup the spring before. (Imagine if I hadn’t gone back?!?)
His team crushed mine in the tournament, but he SPOKE TO ME and I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t believe it! He asked me in the cafeteria what time my next game was, I was like “who, me?” It was embarrassing. I was a total geek. He got my number so he could “invite me to play sand vball next time” (haha) and we started hanging out, and then he finally asked me out a couple weeks later. (Well, basically told me I had to go out with him. Not gonna fight ya, buddy.)
On our honeymoon January 2007. Recreating his proposal. Ha.
I remember being SO NERVOUS waiting to be picked up for the date. I must have changed clothes 20 times. We double dated with a friend of his, and went to a nice restaurant and had a good time. It wasn’t like we were friends first, so it was kind of awkward not really knowing him very well. You know the whole what should I order to eat, do I try and be funny, try not to talk to much…too many decisions! What was supposed to be a fun evening ended on a very very bad note when we kept getting calls from his housemates and finally answered one, only to very unfortunately find out Bobby’s roommate (he had a dorm room and lived in a house, this was his dorm roommate) had been killed in a car accident along with two other students. There were 5 students total in the car.
It was a very very sad night and next few weeks that followed. I will admit is was very strange and awkward to start off your relationship with someone in this way, but we look at is as God put me in his path at just the right time to help him get through that miserable time. We became close more quickly than most newly dating couples due to this tragic accident.
We are of course very very happy together, but it is also sad to celebrate our dating anniversary knowing what also happened on that September 10th night. So today, while oh so happy to be with the love of my life for 7 years, I also pray for the families of the lives lost, and how this is not a day of joy for them.
BUT, we can’t dwell on the past, it is very sad, but it is also done and cannot be changed. Who would have thought I would be where I am 7 years ago. I for one can tell you “not me!” I didn’t deem myself cool enough or pretty enough to be Bobby’s girlfriend. (He dated all the pretty cheerleaders. Ok, he WAS a cheerleader so I guess that doesn’t count?) I look back all the time and laugh about serious and mature I thought Bobby was in college (he is a total goofball, so don’t let him fool you!)
Today we are running 8 miles with TNT then hopefully going to do some yard work and fence painting since it will only be a high of 88! woo hoo!
QOTD: Can you remember your first date with anyone? Were you nervous? Anything interesting happen? (keep it clean folks, I don’t mean THAT. Hopefully that won’t be any of your first date stories. yikes!)

wow, what a sad thing to happen. THat’s just a milesone for the two of you, I hope you enjoy so many more years in love
thank you!
Aww I remember your engagement pics. So pretty! Happy anniversary! Our 10yr is coming up on Oct 10 🙂
aw yay!
What a great story! I agree completely that going through something tough together really does make you stronger. I’m glad to hear you had each other to lean on!
What a cute story!! I love that you met over a vball game – my fav!! 😀
we wouldn’t have had it any other way, it is so “us” that we met that way!
Gosh I can’t believe it has been seven years since the accident. It was fun to hear how you guys met, but sad that it has to be such bitter sweet first date memory. Thanks for sharing with us!
I know I can’t believe it has been that long! I feel old. I miss college. It def. was an interesting first date!