I had worn KT TAPE a couple times years ago, but it wasn’t until a few months ago when my chiropractor explained the benefits of it to me and how it worked that everything really clicked. He explained to me that KT Tape can be used to treat and prevent injuries, especially common running ones like knee pain, shin splits, and the like. The tape relieves pressure and also helps with circulation so that you can recover faster from an injury.
Think of it like a brace, except without all the bulk! It can provide joint support and the best part is it’s water proof and can be work for several days. It can also reduce inflammation and help prevent muscle cramping. Remember the calf issues I was having with cramping? Yeah. Wearing the KT TAPE, I have only had slight tightness, but no cramping, wahoo! I am so thankful it has been a great tool for aiding in my being able to continue with a sport I love. I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to run without calf cramping ever again.
Why do I use KT TAPE? Not only for injuries I already have but also for prevention. It really works and I am so glad I discovered it! Funny story…the first time I ever saw KT Tape was when my idol, Kerri Walsh, was wearing some in a volleyball tournament. I thought she was a little crazy, so I did some research, and come to find out it’s pretty awesome. My girl knows what she’s talking about (and now I kind of pretend like we are BFF’s since we both use and promote KT Tape…totally legit, right?)
A while back I went to an orthopedist to see about the medial side of my knee, and why it was hurting so badly. Apparently overuse and bursitis are most likely the culprit, and KT Tape has been so helpful there as well. I was able to run the Disney Marathon and Goofy’s Challenge without any knee pain during the race. I am so thankful!
You may have seen KT Tape being advertised at a race or expo, and may have even gotten a product sample and tossed it to the side. I encourage you to try it out and see what it can do to help with whatever sport you participate in. You won’t regret it.
Be sure to check them out on Twitter and Facebook!
QOTD: Do you use KT Tape? How has it helped you to train?
*This post may contain affiliate links

I used KT Tape a few times last fall when I started having some foot issues leading into a half marathon. It definitely seemed to help, I got through the race without pain. I would try it again for sure!
Yes! KT Tape is amazing! Welcome to the KT Tape team! 🙂
Congrats on your new sponsorship! I’ve never tried KT tape, but I know a lot of people swear by it, so maybe I should give it a try. Maybe it can help me with some hip flexor pain I’ve been having. Have a great Friday!
try it out!
LOVE KT Tape!!! It really does work like a charm.
I love KT Tape. I don’t have to use it now, but when I started getting back into running, one of my knees was giving me trouble. I got a brace, and immediately hated it. When I heard about KT Tape I rushed out to get some, and it worked wonders. Plus, I got out of the nasty knee brace. I make sure I have a roll with me at all times, just in case.
I hate bulky braces!
I’ve used a different brand of KT tape, but I love it. I really do! Also, a tiny thing…but the colors are SUPER fun and I love that. Haha.
I’ve been curious about the KT Tape for my hip … Hmm.
Oh congrats on being a sponsored athlete. I love KT Tape and have used it for plantar fasciitis and Achilles pain as well. I really do believe that it works!!!
Jeff wears KT tape on his butt for biking and always recommends it to his patients. Congrats on the sponsorship!
I LOVE KT tape! It has helped me run pain-free many times. Sometimes I even use it for recovery support! Congrats on your sponsorship!! 🙂
I am a HUGE fan of KT Tape. It has helped when I suffered from IT Band issues. Lately, I have used it for some undiagnosed top-of-foot pain. I am even using it on my long runs to prevent that top-of-foot pain. I prefer the KT Tape PRO. It sticks so much better for me than the original.
And I love the colors!!
the colors are the best part!
I do use KT tap (in fact heading out tonight to pick up more for my first race of the season). I can’t go over 3 miles (early in the season, 5 miles later) without knee pain. The KT tape manages to nearly eliminate the pain.
thats good!
Congrats girl! The chiropractor had me taping my knee and it really does work!!!
I haven’t tried that exact brand, but I’ve used something that looks nearly identical and it truly does help! Congrats on being sponsored!
thanks! 🙂
I swear by KT Tape!! I have had ACL reconstruction and Minniscus Repairs done in both knees. They tend to be very achy after any run I do, but especially anything over 5 miles. Since I have started using the KT Tape I haven’t had any pain or soreness in my knees. It makes training for a half marathon SO much better!
oh my goodness you poor thing!
Love this! I’ve used it for short periods of time to help with swollen knees and shin splints. I haven’t really been able to tell the difference, but it definitely makes me feel supported.
I’m looking forward to hearing about a few more of your kt tape adventures – congrats on becoming a sponsored athlete!
I saw this KT Tape on all the athletes at the Olympics this past summer and didn’t know what is was! Thanks for information and can’t wait to hear more about it. Sounds like something that I would want to try!
That’s where I first saw it in 2008!
I love KT tape. I am a physical therapist assistant and we use it on patients of all diagnoses and ages with good results. I also use it personally since having 2 ACL reconstructions on the same knee. It helps keep pain and swelling to a minimum and speeds up recovery with running and my other sports activities. Highly recommend it!
that’s great!
LOVE KT tape!! I’ve used it — and taped up my girls I coach (basketball/softball). Congrats 🙂
Hi, I have knee bursitis, started in the right and once that heal (long long process) now is showing in the left one! what is the tape application you use? I have tried total rest and it does not really work for me. i need to at least bike. I am running Boston in april and the Miami Marathon on Feb so I need to start serious training soon. thanks
I use the IT band tape application they show on the KT tape website in the video. good luck!
I practice running for several years, I had already heard about the strapping, but never taping. For the past 1 year, I have knee pain (patella femoral syndrome) that prevent me from running regularly. I looked for solutions, and I stumbled upon your blog and KT Tape. I want to try KT Tape, and see if I will finally be safe with injuries and finally start running regularly for marathons in the future. My pains are inside the knee just above the kneecap. How did you put the tape (stretch level) on the first and second pictures? I think it can solve my problems, because in the last picture, the two little crossed bands are too low compared to where I have pain. I hope KT Tape will solve my problems, but given your experience with KT Tape, I think it will get better soon. Cheers from France !
I do whatever stretch level the videos say to do. If you go to their website, they have videos on how to apply for many different body parts. I hope it helps you!
Ok, I’ll go see that, thank you for your answer 🙂 I am eager to see what will come of that tomorrow for my first run for 4 months. Keep running!
As a sports therapist I have witnessed first hand that Kinesio tape has certainly had positive effects.
I do however agree its not for everyone. Before people just go ahead and buy the tape I would recommend that you visit a Physiotherapist so that the tape can be applied correctly.