We did it. Bobby and I took the plunge and registered for the Dopey Challenge for the runDisney marathon weekend in January of 2014.
I know, I know. I kept saying after Goofy 2013 that I would never do Goofy again. Well…TECHNICALLY I’m not doing Goofy, right? I just can’t resist. Inaugural race, six medals. four days of fun runDisney races? Sign me up! Yes, it will be difficult, yes, I am petrified, but I said the same thing about Goofy and I ran that after being sick for months, and only running a max 18 mile long run, so I think I am up for the challenge. Of course, just like with goofy, my goal is to just FINISH the race, and not run any type of time goal. There will be so Galloway run-walk-run involved, and not as much park time as this past year so I can make sure I am well rested.
Why yes, I am thank you!
It looks like we will be arriving in Disney on Wednesday so we can go to the expo and get out packets since the first race is Thursday morning. We will run the 5k Thursday, 10k Friday, Half Saturday, and Full Sunday. I am hoping we will be able to spend a couple more days in Disney to relax and hit the parks and bask in the glory of our accomplishments.
Where will we stay? Who knows. How will we train? Not a clue. But we have plenty of time, and plenty of races between now and then, and it’s going to be an adventure. I probably won’t “officially” start training until after Dumbo.
I know it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of marathon weekend, but don’t forget there are TWO other races open for registration right now before marathon weekend. Sign up for the Tower of Terror ten miler or the Wine and Dine half marathon before they sell out. (If you missed my interview with Faron Kelley from yesterday about the popularity of runDisney races be sure to check it out!)
QOTD: Are you signing up for any of the marathon weekend events? If not, what is the next race on your calendar?

Soooooooo exciting!!!! Wish I could do Dopey as well, but being so far away (South Afica), I’ll just have to live vicariously through you 🙂 . Enjoy!!!!
I’m potentially doing a 10km but its not till July called Run Melbourne.
Ah, so exciting!!!
My next race is Sunday… just a local 5K!
eeeek! 🙂
so jealous! I really wish I could do Dopey hopefully in 2015 I’ll be able to
I registered for Dopey too! As of right now my next race is Dumbo, but I may try to find something local to do in between now and then.
I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist girl! 😉 I will probably just do the half this year. My ultimate goal is to do Dumbo one year!
I’m dopey! I was always a little dopey, but now I’m officially runDisney dopey! I can’t wait to hear about your training because I’ll need all the suggestions I can get… It feels like some kind of faustian bargain with a Disney villain the more I think about it!
I am on the fence at the moment about signing up for the Tower Run, only because I have a wedding at Disney the following weekend and don’t know how much time I can take off of work.
I am in a great group of friends who’s goal it is for 2014 to get a Coast to Coast Disney medal. We are doing the Princess in DW & the Half Marathon/ Marathon weekend in DL. I can’t wait!
Whoa girl ill definitely be watching your progress! It’s an exciting first race. Being I haven’t done a marathon yet I’m gonna sit this one out…or I’ll probably be in trouble 😉
You are a braver woman than I 🙂
im in for the full and the 10k!
Excited for you guys! I’m intrigued by the thought of it, but I’m going to hold out until 2015…I’ll be at Dumbo though!
Yeah!!! I am so excited for you! I really got caught up in the Social Media excitement over Dopey yesterday! I even filled out the entire registration form, and was ready to click “submit” — having never done a full, Dopey is a little scary, but who can pass up 6 medals in 4 days?!?! Although my brain was telling me to just go for it, I passed, as I already have 2 Disney Races planned for 2014, and can’t take anymore time off of work!! I am just going to live through all of the different people posting about Dopey and make it my goal for 2015!!
You guys are so brave! (hmmm, possible Brave costumes?) I’m definitely not up for Dopey, but I’m super close to signing up for the 10K that weekend.
Wow!! Go you!! I’m desperate to do another runDisney race.. just need to figure out which one and build up the bank account!
Honestly?! It sounds fun! I gotta do one of the Disney events! It is on my bucketlist! Maybe 2014
I knew you couldnt resist 🙂 You’re tough like that!
I’m officially out for marathon weekend :(. Trying to keep my chin up though because Dumbo is coming up quickly, still super excited to be a part of that!!
In all honesty, I just finished paying off my last trip to marathon weekend/ tink!! Maybe when I live in the US again. It’s driving me crazy though, I want to sign up so bad!!
You are CrAzY! Although…if you’re going to be there to run some of the races you might as well go all out and get the 6 medals! My first full marathon was Disney this year and although I said I’ll never do another one EVER I think I do want to run Disney’s full just once more, for redemption (I also was plagued by repeated illness and didn’t train or perform to my own expectations). But I won’t do it until my children are older because the time commitment that marathon training took was a bit much with little ones at home. Maybe if they still have Dopey years from now I take the giant plunge and go for the neck full of Disney race bling.
I’m going to be doing the half, but I’m waiting till Tuesday… budget dictates. I don’t know if I could do back to back races, but I can’t help thinking about doing C2C.
I bit the bullet and signed up for Dopey. I definitely think I have lost my mind!
AWESOME! If anyone can do it , I know you can! Can’t wait for the recap! 🙂
Oh my goodness!!! So exciting!
Next race is in May! 5K 🙂
Yay! So much fun!!
Wow!! I am in awe… don’t know if I could do it. Congrats for signing up, it will definitely be a fun adventure!
YES! I really want to run the marathon!!!!
How exciting! I admire you for taking the challenge!
This is so exciting! I keep saying if I ever decide to do a Full marathon I’d go all out and run the Goofy. I guess I’m going to have to start saying I’d go really all out and run the Dopey! I can’t wait to read all about your training and the races.
YEAHH!!! I am realllllly considering this…I mean shoot I’m going to be living in Orlando shouldn’t I sign up for like everything now?!
I’m excited for you! I know you and Bobby can do it! I was only going to do the 1/2, but just couldn’t resist the Minnie. I know I’m not physically ready for the Dopey, but still I couldn’t resists getting in on a brand new race! I plan to be on the sidelines cheering, or maybe even volunteering at a water station the day of the Marathon!
So wish that I could be apart of Marathon Weekend 2014 but I don’t think that is going to happen. Going to Disney World 4 times this year is putting a dent in the bank account! Second of the 4 trips is in 10 days. Next race is on Sunday…first of four half marathons in the next eight weeks!!
WOW! Good for you both 🙂
My next race is the DIVA half marathon in SF, then the following weekend I’m running a 5K for mother’s day with my family… then nothing on the books until Dumbo!
I’m Dopey! I have never even been to Disney…so excited…and freaked out!
Awesome, I am beyond looking forward to reading about your training and seeing your pics from Dopey weekend! I am seriously in awe of anyone who is up for this challenge! 🙂
Ah, these things are SO addictive! I’m totally tempted to do it too!!! And I didn’t even do Goofy this year. I thought that was crazy. So why am I thinking about doing Dopey???
Ahh, so exciting! I sort of lost my marbles and registered for Dopey, too…even though it will also be my FIRST MARATHON! I am absolutely terrified, and yet SO excited at the same time. Like you said…I’m there to finish the races, not to set any world records or anything, but I know I have my work cut out for my this year! Who knew the Dumbo Challenge would end up being a training run for me? 😀
you will do great!
I signed up for the Dopey challenge as well. This will be my 3rd Disney race series and I’m excited to see how it will go!!