Wednesday again! Time is just flying lately! It’s another sunny day here! A big thanks to all the comments on yesterday’s post. I love you guys, y’all are awesome!
So I got a package in the mail on Monday, yay!
So if you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know I have a slight Running Skirts obsession. You may also know their spring line just came out. I ooed and ahhed over all the super cute prints, but in the end I actually made a good, practical choice. I have been wanting a simple black skirt for a long time. There have been many races where I knew what top I wanted to wear, but didn’t have a skirt to match. Enter my newest skirt, what a bright idea! I can literally wear it with any top, and I am happy with my purchase!
I also got a pair of black swift socks. (Compression socks). I have the pink pair I got when they first came out, but once again…black goes with anything. Yay for making a wise decision Heather!
So yesterday I decided to take it out for a little test run.
I did NOT wear the swift socks. Let’s be blunt here people, its HOT here on the coast, so those babies will stay in the drawer until fall.
The run was very interesting. I started out just wanting to do a nice easy run. I listened to music, which I don’t do often, so I didn’t pay as much attention to my Garmin as I usually do. It was very sunny and warm, and my neighborhood has some serious hills. Before I knew it I looked down and had gone 1.5 miles. That was fast! I was keeping a pretty good pace for an easy, hot, hilly run, too. I finished up 3 miles in thirty minutes, which I will gladly take for an “easy” run!
Now on to the skirt. Some of you may remember me talking about the sizing differences in the newer skirts. I used to wear the 2 but they cut the skirts differently now so I ordered the black in a 3 and I am glad I did. One thing I am not crazy about with the new skirts is they are longer. I thought I could tell a noticeable difference, and when I measured, I was correct in my assumption. It is fine for me, being 5’9” with long legs, but you short people may not be a big fan of the new longer length. Has anyone gotten a new one in and have any thoughts? Particularly you vertically challenged friends of mine? I knew sizing up would make the skirt slightly longer, (maybe 1/4 inch?) but this seems longer than that. It’s still a totally awesome skirt, I actually think its funny that i ahve worn so many for so long that I can tell a difference!
Other than that I loved it of course and love having a plain black skirt now! Oh, in other fun running skirts news, they have a new phone app! Right now it’s just for Android (which I happen to have!) and I of course downloaded it right away yesterday. You can log into your account, see your order history, make a wish list, and buy stuff right from the app! It was cool to use, my only complaint is that it took awhile to load the thing.
Check it out HERE!
Seriously, Running Skirts should hire me. I could me their rep for the whole south. Talk about a dream job! Maybe one day they will realize I am their biggest fan and would be a great helper of their sales.
QOTD: Have you seen the new Running Skirts spring line? Which skirt is your favorite? If I didn’t get black I would have gotten sparkle hearts or Azure/blue dot!

I bought my first running skirt a couple of months ago, and went with the plain black for the same reason – I have LOTS of colorful tops, so the black will go with any of them!!! On the length thing, I’m 5’3″ and definitely on the chunky side… I purposefully bought the athletic skirt style for the longer length (and the compression shorts). It hits me about 3-4″ above the knee – a good length, I think – covers all the not-so-cute stuff, while still being cute!!! How recent is the size change thing? I tried on an aqua dot one at the Dallas RnR expo a few weeks ago, and it still felt/looked the same as my other one…? I was going to buy a new one soon, but now am a little worried.
are you talking about athletic skirts or running skirts? I have never worn or triedon an athletic skirt so i have no idea how they fit or if they are doing anything different. By going up a size I knew it would be maybe 1/4 inch longer than my 2, but it’s def. more than that.
I was talking about the athletic skirt style. Obviously I’m not up on my RS knowledge (good thing I have you) to know that they changed one and not the other! Whew. I wasn’t looking forward to having to figure out the changes!!!
haha sorry for the unnecessary scare!
Wise choice! 🙂
The ‘old’ skirts are really short on my 5’9″ body, so I’m actually happy with the slightly longer fit. 🙂
ugh I hate the azure dot, mums midnight, mums in bloom, and sparkle heart. But I actually like the new fit. I didn’t size up and haven’t noticed them being any longer but they fit just a bit better in my opinion. Glad you are happy with your decision!
I’m surprised you don’t like them! I thought You were all about cute bright colors! My old twos from like 2 years ago fit in the brief like the new 3’s. The waist is loose on me in the 3 but I Have a big butt so need the bigger brief haha. I measured my old 2 against new 3 and there Is over an inch difference
I currently have in my possession 2 capri skirts (preppy purple and preppy pink) and 1 athletic skirt (green plaid). I have two more Capri skirts on their way (midnight mum and sparkley hearts). I own other skirts but I LOVE Running Skirts Capri skirts since they have the drawstring and I don’t have to worry about taking two steps and hoisting up the skirt just to take two more steps and do it all over again. If I had my way I would own every single Capri skirt they sell!!!! 🙂
interesting! I have never worn the capri skirts. its too hot down here!
I did the Goofy Challenge (1/2 marathon on Saturday full marathon on Sunday) back in January (I know it is not hot during that time). For the half marathon I wore my usually running tights with something over the top and I started to chafe. Sunday, I wore my brand new Preppy Purple Capri Skirt and I still had to deal with the chafing from the day before but that was it. I HATE heat, but the Capris are a light enough material I have no issues!
I hate chafing too! I ran the full in my black argyle! I didnt wear any tights b/c my legs sweat a lot and I am glad I didn’t. i was cold at first but later I got hot so I was happy I decided against comrpession socks or tights.
I jsut feel like I wouldnt get a ton of use out of the capri ones. they are SUPER cute though and the drawstirng option sounds nice!
Bah! Why you gotta be showing me that stuff?? I am in love with their skirts.. actually. Addicted. And I only have ONE! I need that black skirt!!
I’m hoping the newer fit is not too long on my short self! I am looking forward to better briefs fit though. I still would like to sell my fleurs too.
do you want me to try posting about it again? or if you do ebay I can post a link here?
Sure! Thanks. Then if not I will have to put it on ebay maybe next week…
I don’t have any Running Skirts…just a new balance one that I actually hate. Everytime you mention them I think “I need to get one”. I am 5’4″, but length really isn’t an issue for me when I run. I have a big ol’ booty too, so would you suggest I go up a size?
I would suggest calling running skirts and talking to one of the sweet ladies there and explaining your body shape to them. They are so nice and helpful!
I NEED to get a running skirt! lol… I wish money grew on trees 😉