Happy November! So what did everyone do last night? Anything fun? We watched Hocus Pocus, carved our pumpkin, and handed out candy. Here are some pictures of the excitement.
Bobby always handles the pumpkin carving
Bella wasn’t a fan of the taste.
Happy Halloween!
This year vs. last year. Makes me laugh.
My little Minnie mouse and Saints player.
Bobby worked on the pumpkin some more. Looked great!
Hope you all had a fun night!
QOTD: What was the best costume you saw yesterday?

LOVE your Mickey pumpkin! We had so much fun w/Wyatt yesterday, but I have a feeling he’s going to want to wear his Mickey costume again today… and tomorrow…
haha did he ask to wear it today?
Okay, I’m DYING to know how you got the middle circle of Mickey’s face to stay…
I was literally going to leave the EXACT comment!! We had the same Mickey pumpkin last year….my husband tried to get intricate in cutting out strategic parts of Mickey…..and it just wasn’t working out so he ended up just cutting out the whole thing! lol Your pumpkin looks great – such a good idea!! And I just DVR’d Hocus Pocus the other night bc I LOVE it!! But I don’t think my hubby would sit and watch it with me – score 1 for your husband 🙂
Too cute…love the pumpkin! :0) Glad y’all had a good Halloween…still can’t believe Hokus Pokus is 20 years old, wow.
Love the pumpkin! We saw more kiddos earlier this week as we did a trunk or treat for my husbands squadron. I have to say I loved the family last night dressed up as different super heros even their dogs. It looked so cute!
Love the pumpkin, it looks awesome!! : )
I didn’t see any trick or treaters yesterday… one of the pitfalls of living in a condo complex. Instead Adam and I stayed in, ate ALL the candy and watched the Dolphins beat Cinn. in overtime 🙂 Hope your Saints CRUSH the jets this weekend, I am sure they will!!