So I am still recovering from my food poisoning and also trying to catch up on work at the same time, and it is quite frustrating. After not eating solid food since Friday except a bit of soup and rice, I am finding it hard to wrap my brain around anything I need to do for work and just get ...
Food Poisoning
I got home from Disney yesterday evening. You may have noticed a lack of updates and tweets in the past couple days...and for good reason. Friday night I came down with my first case ever of food Poisoning. This joyous occasion marked another first time throwing up...ever. Don't ask me ...
Happy Mother’s Day 2012
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there! While I am not *technically* a mother, I do still consider myself one, well, at least my fur children do! I miss my sweet babies! ten days is a long time. I get to see them tonight! So while I am not a mother, I do HAVE a mother, a great one ...
Disney Fantasy Part 5
Hello friends! I am currently at the Grand Floridian enjoying a vacation with my hubby (I know I go out of town a lot but Bobby hasn’t been since September) so it has been nice to get away. We will return to regular blogging when I get back so stick with me! Since I just got off the Magic ...
What’s Beautiful
Under Armour: What’s Beautiful . . . You!When you decide on a goal for yourself, do you follow through with it? What makes it worth attaining, and what helps you along the way? What if I told you that you could have support, accountability, and possibly win really cool prizes, like being one of the ...
Mickey Boat Here We Come
Good morning! We are heading out on the road again. Today we get on the Mickey boat! Or...the Disney Magic. Bobby and I were on the magic back in November of 2010 for a week long trip. I know the two newer ships are huge and pretty and have great technological advances, but I have a soft spot fot ...