If you missed my previous recap on Disney Princess weekend (non race) be sure to check it out first. Saturday morning, me, Karen, and her mom ran the Royal Family 5k. After the race, we went back to the hotel for breakfast, and then we headed back to EPCOT for some fun in the park. Some ...
St. Patrick’s Day 5k 2012
Saturday, Bobby and I ran the St. Patrick’s Day 5k in Biloxi, MS for the second year in a row. It is a flat course, so I was really looking forward to it this year in hopes for a PR. My hopes were dashed when a few key things went very very wrong. First of all, the race didn’t start until ...
You Know You
Now that Disney Princess is over, as well as RnR New Orleans, it’s time to think about my “spring” training plan. I use the term loosely because it has been spring around here for a long time. Our grass is green already, bees are out, flowers have bloomed. I have a rule that I will not race ...
Disney Princess Weekend: Friday
I know I have already told you about my royal welcome Thursday, Jeff Galloway Meet Up, the Expo, the 5k and the half marathon, and my blogger meet up, but there were a lot of other fun times during my trip as well that I wanted to share with you. Friday after I met my mom, Karen and her mom at the ...
On a Boat
Wow the weekend sure did fly by. I am, however, loving this extra hour of daylight. It officially feels like spring around here now. I hope you had a good weekend, be sure to catch up on the posts you missed! Disney Princess Blogger Meet Up Recap RWS Features #15 Weekly Recap: ...
Disney Princess Blogger Meet Up Recap
I was nominated for a Fitterati, a blogger award for Fitness magazine, in the running blogs category. I would LOVE if you took a minute and voted for me, would mean so much to me and my blog! VOTE HERE. I love Disney, I love bloggers, and I love being social, so a few months ago I decided to host a ...