Sunday, I ran the Rock n Roll New Orleans half marathon (formally Rock N Roll Mardi Gras) This is the third year I have run this race. (You can check out my recaps from 2010 and 2011 1 and 2) Last years race was not the best experience. My IT band was VERY angry, and I ended up crying ...
Disney Princess Half Marathon
So, I ran the Royal Family 5k on Saturday, and then had to get up at 2:45 Sunday for the Princess half marathon. After only four hours of sleep, I wasn’t too thrilled to hear my alarm. I got up anyway, and put on my tutu. It was if the world was instantly more fun! I was so excited to wear ...
Tangled Royal Family 5k
As most of you know I was given the privilege of hanging out with some amazing bloggers at the end of February for the Princess Half Marathon thanks to runDisney and FitFluential. As soon as I got home I immediately had to go back out of town for RnR New Orleans, so I am just now able to sit ...
Race Day
Sorry for the lack of social media updates the past few days. Things go back to normal tomorrow, but today its race Day! Lord help me, my legs ache so badly from the expo! Here we go with half number 11! ...
RnR NOLA expo day 1
Good morning! Yesterday was quite the doozey. The expo was open until 7 last night. Then we ended up having to move our entire booth after the expo was over for the night. Lets just say its been a long day. I got to meet several Blog readers and expo workers I have seen at other races. I love all ...
Rouge Orleans Race Recap Part 3
Check out part 1 and part 2 before reading part 3! I left off part 2 when it started to get dark. When Jennifer came back to finish off round 2 for us, Kristyn started round 3, and Jennifer started the first bike leg. We drove to the next exchange point to wait for our first bike/run duo ...