Good morning! It was a fun, busy, and chilly weekend down south. If you are catching up on posts, check out the latest on RWS: Get Healthy Starting NOW! As a FitFluential ambassador, we were asked to give 7 things you can do to get healthy starting now! Childhood Obesity Vlog: Video of me ...
Sunday Randoms
Hello friends! I am actually typing this post on Friday morning for Sunday (today now, I guess) so I hope by time this is posted you will have all had a fabulous weekend! More on mine later. This morning…er…I mean Friday morning, our new neighborhood YMCA FINALLY opened! Just in the nick of ...
Childhood Obesity Vlog
Good morning! I am actually away/busy this weekend, but here is something fun I filmed for you yesterday before the craziness started. I decided due to some coaxing from some blends to do some more vlogs. I have some great ideas for some fun and action packed ones for when I am out of the ...
Get Healthy, Starting NOW!
As a lot of you know I am a FitFluential Ambassador. I was so excited to be chosen back when it all began, and things are really starting to move now and I couldn’t be more excited! We were asked to share 7 steps or tips we could give to someone who wanted to start being healthy, right now. ...
RWS Features #3
Happy hump day everyone! I hope your week is going ok! I know everyone is gearing up for Christmas parties and seeing family, but I hope you will still have time to visit RWS during your hectic holiday schedules. I say that because mine is about to get a little hectic, too! Don’t worry, I ...
Grand Floridian/Polynesian Resort Gym
Baby it’s cold outside! It was warm and muggy yesterday, but the rain brought in a cold front, and it’s in the 40’s this morning. BBbbrrr! I like it though, it felt more like April than December yesterday. Today I have a good bit of work to do, calls, etc. and I hope to get in an ab/arm ...