Goooodddd morning friends! Being able to work out the past few days (upper body and bike only) has REALLY put me in a better mood. Those that say they don’t workout because they don’t want to have their energy zapped…PEOPLE, it’s the exact opposite. You will have so much more energy, it’s ...
Finding a Holiday Balance
I don’t know about you, but in my house, December may as well be renamed “the month of indulgence.” I eat everything in the name of “it’s only available during Christmas” or “I worked hard all year I deserved this” or “I will start over in January” and before I know it, I feel tired, ...
Boot Reflections: More Than Halfway
Good morning! It was a fun, busy, and chilly weekend down south. If you are catching up on posts, check out the latest on RWS: Get Healthy Starting NOW! As a FitFluential ambassador, we were asked to give 7 things you can do to get healthy starting now! Childhood Obesity Vlog: Video of me ...
Sunday Randoms
Hello friends! I am actually typing this post on Friday morning for Sunday (today now, I guess) so I hope by time this is posted you will have all had a fabulous weekend! More on mine later. This morning…er…I mean Friday morning, our new neighborhood YMCA FINALLY opened! Just in the nick of ...
Childhood Obesity Vlog
Good morning! I am actually away/busy this weekend, but here is something fun I filmed for you yesterday before the craziness started. I decided due to some coaxing from some blends to do some more vlogs. I have some great ideas for some fun and action packed ones for when I am out of the ...
Get Healthy, Starting NOW!
As a lot of you know I am a FitFluential Ambassador. I was so excited to be chosen back when it all began, and things are really starting to move now and I couldn’t be more excited! We were asked to share 7 steps or tips we could give to someone who wanted to start being healthy, right now. ...