Good morning! I can't believe it's December. Not that I'm complaining, I love Christmas! I survived my first full day in the boot. I think I need to name it. Any suggestions? Anyway, I have managed to get around pretty good, although it is difficult in the house when I am barefoot on the ...
The Boot
Good morning friends. Well, not a very good morning for me. As some of you saw on my Twitter and Facebook yesterday, I am not confined to the boot. Meet my new friend. accessory. You may remember I have been complaining of foot pain for about a month. I even took two complete weeks off ...
My Favorite Things 2011
Welcome to the Oprah Winfrey show RWS show! My mom keeps asking me what I want for Christmas, and I am not sure what to tell her. I thought maybe I could help some of you out with your lists with a few of my favorite things of 2011. Some are health and fitness related, and some are just ...
Turkey Trot 5k 2011
Good morning! IN an attempt to not be sad that the holiday weekend is over, I thought I would do a race recap of the Turkey Trot Bobby and I ran on Thanksgiving morning. When my alarm went off at 6:00, I seriously considered just not getting up. I knew once I was up I would be fine, so I ...
Black Friday Deals
The last day of a holiday weekend is always hard. I am sad that Bobby will have to go back to work tomorrow. Oh how I long for the days we were in college and we would go to class in the morning, play sand volleyball after lunch, and hang out all afternoon/evening without a care in the ...
Black Friday Madness
Happy Holiday weekend! Who is still eating leftovers from Thursday? Last night we ate our fourth meal off of our Thanksgiving spread from lunch. It’s so nice not having to cook! It has been a great weekend so far, I am really enjoying having Bobby home for a couple extra days. Yesterday ...