Happy Thanksgiving! We kicked the holiday off with a bang last night by…eeerr…Staying home and doing absolutely nothing! Today we are rocking it out at a 5k turkey trot then will be cooking and eating ourselves into a food coma. Don’t worry, I will be back tomorrow with pictures of food ...
Thanksgiving Traditions
Happy Thanksgiving eve! It's almost turkey time, yummy! This year is going to be a little different for us. What am I saying, every year is a little different for us! We typically do the traditions and seeing lots of family over Christmas, so the past few years Thanksgiving has been much ...
A Friends Thanksgiving
Yesterday, I may or may not have spent several hours on the couch watching TBS, they were airing all the FRIENDS Thanksgiving episodes, and I have to say, they are my favorites by far…and I have every single one memorized. You know a TV show is really funny when you are sitting home by ...
Gymboss Interval Timer Review/Giveaway
Good morning, I hope you had a fab weekend. Mine was pretty relaxing. I am loving sitting on the couch and watching TV with the Christmas tree next to me. Today I am headed to the store for the last time before Thanksgiving. I hate going *too* close to turkey day because it gets so crowded, ...
YMCA Grand Opening
Hi guys! Yesterday was a beautiful day here in the south. It got a little too warm for November (78 degrees) but the morning was just perfect for the YMCA grand opening and the St. Jude give thanks walk. Our neighborhood was selected again this year to be the build site for the St. Jude ...
Scream Like a Girl
It’s Twilight time! and, AND, not only am I hoping Bobby will take me to see the movie soon…but we got to see the Hunger Games trailer this week too. Two of my favorite current book series turned movies, all over the news this week, and I am ready to scream like a little girl! I loved ...