Hello all of you Running with Sass Readers. My name is Stefanie, I hail from a blog called Run On (http://run-on-riot.blogspot.com). I am here today to talk about hydration, my Labrador Winston will be helping me. You’ll see him a little later. Or not…He’s pushy like that. No matter what your ...
5 stages of Grief for Injured Runners
Hi all I am Stephanie from Run for Fun (runforfun-stephanie.blogspot.com), Heather was nice enough to allow me to post for you all. Please drop by my blog and say hi anytime. I am currently GIVING AWAY a pair of Brooks Glycerins. Anyway, enjoy: If you are a runner, you have likely, at some ...
Avoiding (Runner’s) Burnout
Hi all! I'm Courtney from Run, Courtney, Run. Lately I've been feeling a little burnt out and I thought it would be a great topic to write about and share with all of you. The following are just a few tips I try to follow when I'm feeling like I'm out of juice. 1. Don't be so ...
Beach bound
Good morning everyone! I leave for the beach today with hubby and my parents! The dog/housesitter will be here in an hour and we are nowhere NEAR ready to go! So I have to make this quick! I have a few guest posts lined up for you so please come back and share some love for them ok? I will ...
Friday Favorites: Running Warehouse
WOW. Didn’t I just do a Friday Favorites post? Not that I am complaining or anything, I like Fridays. Holidays that fall on Mondays are the bomb.com because the work week seems so short after that. Today I will be super busy working, grocery shopping, doing laundry, packing, and the like. ...
Chocolate Éclair Pie
Hola! The week is just movin right along eh? Fine by me, I am gearing up for vacation! I have been busy working all day, and making a vaca packing list. oy. It is a long one. Going to a condo makes you pack all this kitchen stuff, but hey, it’s worth it! Sassy says “nnoooo, take me with ...