These are the best cookies. But, the icing is what makes them spectacular, so don't leave it out! Sugar Cookies: 2 cups all purpose flour 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 tablespoon evaporated milk 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla Preheat oven to ...
Pics Pics and More Pics
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! In case you were gone, here is what you missed: Home Sweet Home Fun Filled Weekend Now, go catch up! ok I am determined to finish showing you all my cruise pics before my next Disney trip! We left off With leaving Castaway Cay after our first day, so here we ...
Fun Filled Weekend
Saturday morning Bobby and I got up and ran 8 miles. It was a nice change of scenery running at my parents house, even though we have run there several times before, it's better than the routes here I have run 100 times! Bobby wasn't very happy I woke him up from his post run nap My dad enjoys ...
Home Sweet Home
Hello all! I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Sorry I was MIA Yesterday. It was a long day of meetings and traveling. We got to my parents yesterday just in time for dinner. It's good to be home! I made some cookiesΒ from scratchΒ on Thursday that I brought with me. Fluer de Lies and Micke ...
Fun Pictures
I love my new camera! Iam SLOWLY reading through the manual and different websites, and am just barely scratching the surface, but I am loving using it so far! I thought I would share a few test shots I have taken just to get an idea of how muchΒ I love this thing! I can't wait to take better blog ...
Castaway Cay take…3?
Ok so I figured it has been a couple weeks since I updated the pictures fom my cuise, so I thought I would shae more today, especially because it is raining here now and I wish I was there! here are a couple pictures from lunch on the island I forgot to post They had fresh fruit, ribs, hot dogs, ...