You can tell when you are reading an article or blog written by a person passionate about their subject matter. The joy and excitement overflow onto the page, and is woven into each sentence or idea. Having a desire to share, motivate, and inspire is evident in their work, making each new story exciting to read.Β Itβs not just about writing, but about the fire that burns within the author, desiring to get their point across to help inform and share with others. Running With Sass is my baby, and I deeply enjoy sharing stories, tips, and motivation with my readers everyday. To be able to do so on an even larger scale would be a dream come true.
True, I am just an average girl, but that is part of my draw. I attract a lot of readers that are new runners, bloggers, and those just starting out on their fitness journey. I have received countless e-mails from readers thanking me for being real and honest, and for showing them that anyone can be fit and healthy.Β They enjoy my message of not having to be the fastest, the strongest, or the bestβ¦but just striving to be the greatest version of themselves.
Growing up, I played multiple sports, and even moved on to coaching after college. I have coached basketball at the middle school level, and volleyball at the high school varsity (6A) level. I am very knowledgeable of both sports, and fitness in general. Running is my most recent passion of three years, and I recently have added weight lifting and yoga to my always growing fitness practices.
My job allows me to travel to several races throughout the year, so I believe having a fresh perspective on the health and fitness of different cities would be a great benefit to readers. Not only have I learned a lot working at health and fitness expos, but also in partnering with several companies to review and share their products.
Other passions of mine include putting a stop to childhood obesity, and furthering cancer research. I shared my thoughts and experience in a vlog last month on the matter of childhood obesity. As a former teacher, it broke my heart to see so many children struggle with their weight and be bullied by other students.
I also love social media, and spend a lot of time each day interacting on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, as well as several forums, message boards and other blogs. I have a large twitter following, and a fan page for my blog on Facebook as well as a personal Facebook page. Participating in Twitter chats and social media conversations is something I really enjoy. Meeting new people, reaching out and making friends is an encouragement and inspiration.
My mother is a stage three non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor. She is an amazing woman with a lot of fight, and a great inspiration to many. I have learned so much watching her, and as a family we have all taken steps towards a more healthy lifestyle to help prevent certain types of cancer. My husband and I ran a half marathon this fall with Team in Training benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. It was a great experience and I was thrilled to be a part of raising money for cancer research and treatment.
In closing, I think the name of my blog says it all. Yes I run, and yes I try to live an active, healthy lifeβ¦but I do it all with a touch of sass. Who says healthy living and fitness have to be boring and bland? Spicing up your fitness and health as well as your life in general, can help you to be a success story. I have faced obstacles, criticism, injuries, mental defeats, and trials. Through it all, my husband and I are dedicated to a healthy and fit lifestyle, against all odds.
Below is a video I put together last summer documenting my healthy living journey. I hope you enjoy following along.

Aww, I like this blog post :). It’s really great reading about all your races, especially the Disney ones (and the Disney posts in general).
I didn’t even know you did a Team race for your mom, but that’s really amazing that you did that for her since she’s a survivor :). I guess that’s where you get your amazing drive from too!
Yes! check out the race recap, it was the gulf coast half marathon.
Yay! You are passionate about fitness!! Great post π
love it. I also love your striped bikini.
Girl, Target. Every year they do the same styles in different colors solids and stripes. Sometimes I will just buy a top or bottoms and mix and match. That’s how I roll.
You’re right– passion does come through in writing and you can tell when people are faking it. I’m so glad you participated in a TnT event–I have heard such great things about that organization!
It was a great experience!
I adore your passion!
I’m passionate about stopping bullying and inspiring/motivating others π
I LOVE this post! I don’t think there’s much more I can say! π
I love passionate people too. You say your an “average girl” but everything I have read leads me to believe otherwise. Your spirit is contagious and that is why so many love your blog, including myself.
Haha! Your fail vlog was great. Totally something I would do. π I love that you are so into fitness!
I WILL learn how to use my webcam correctly! ha!
Wow, what a great post. Amazing story and it doesn’t take long to see the true passion in every word. Running for yourself and your own health is one thing, but trying to help others while doing it is an extra special step. Also, great pics and videos- so natural and relate-able. Love it. Congrats and keep on going!
Thanks so much for your kinds words!
Hahaha Bella is ferocious! I love your accent BTW, sorry for such a cheese comment on a serious topic. I love people doing vlogs, it’s nice to put a voice with the one I hear in my head when I read.
it’s ok! everyone comments on my accent!
What a great post! Passion is necessary for all things in life. It is even better once you realize what you’re passionate about π Love the beach pic … super cute!
Hi! Well, this is my first time visiting your blog and this is such a great way to get to know about you. I found your blog through BlogHer when I read your post about low thyroid and was so moved. As a runner with hypothyroidism, I can so relate. Look forwward to reading more.
Hi there, so glad you found me!
Great post! I love how you combined the written word with video. I’d hire you!
aw thanks!