Halfway!!!!!! Yippee!!! Never thought this day would come back when I was nauseated at all times and barely strong enough to walk across the room. Wow!
I think it’s funny how depending on what I am wearing, what I have been eating, etc. it can change how I look. For instance, I think I look smaller than last week, and way smaller than at my gender reveal party last weekend. Granted, at the party I was wearing a white shirt, and I had been at the hospital for 3 days with my dad sitting on my butt eating fast food, so I’m sure that made me look puffy, too. Also, some shirts don’t go “in” under your boobs so they kind of make a tent from boob to belly making me look bigger. New observations abound I tell ya.
Symptoms: More of the same (I know, I am ssooo exciting). Round ligament pain when I run or even power walk, acne, tired, peeing a lot, noticing I just get run down more easily than I used to.
Baby’s Size: Banana!
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new, still haven’t even worn all the ones I have yet!
Stretch Marks: Just the boobs. Hang on belly!
Sleep: Pretty good, I pee a LOT right before I go to bed, but then usually only have to get up once in the middle of the night.
Miss Anything?: sleeping on my stomach for sure.
Cravings: Not really a lot in particular other than sweets, haven’t really noticed!
Aversions: still can’t eat large portions of meat or chicken.
Looking Forward to: picking out a name! Registry shopping! It’s time for the fun stuff.
What I’m Loving: Finally knowing that baby M is a GIRL!!!! Also, this is the first week I have felt baby kick! I can recognize it now, an is usually at night when I lay down and am very still. Exciting!
Workouts: This week was pretty bad. I was at the hospital Wednesday-Friday then the party Saturday, Mother’s day Sunday. I did work out Monday and Tuesday though, so starting the week off right!
There is my 20 week update in a nutshell (help! I’m trapped in a nutshell!) I will be back in the next few days talking names and registering All scary things for this first time mama!
QOTD: Did you ever feel you were smaller some weeks than the previous week when you were pregnant?
What is your favorite non running workout?

SO happy for you girlie – YAY a little baby M to do races with 😉
So cute!!! I love that you are finally feeling great and enjoying being pregnant! And the kicks are the best feeling in the world! Just wait till you can look down at your belly and see a foot poking out or see your whole belly roll as she turns over! Such a miracle!
YEA for the best time of pregnancy! 20 Weeks! Seriously 20-30 is my fav because you start to get that cute little bump and it isn’t too big and you can still get around easily. Enjoy it! Pretty soon you will be at 40 waiting and wondering when that baby will arrive!
You look great regardless of what you are wearing. 🙂
Halfway…yay! I love that you can feel her kick now!
So excited you are having a girl!!! And I’m so glad you’re Dad is OK!! I felt as big as a house my entire pregnancy so I never felt smaller one week compared to a past week!
I did take both prenatal yoga and prenatal water aerobics for about 12 weeks and they were both WONDERFUL!! And I am not typically a yoga type person. It was so great to be able to “workout” when I could barely run or walk, especially toward the end. Plus, it was fun talking with other pregnant women! The water aerobics really just felt so good and helped ease some aches and pains…
Can’t believe you’re half-way there!! And your due date is one day off from what mine was!!
Congrats getting halfway there!! You look soo fantastic! And also congrats on having a girl!!! Going and doing your registry and picking names will be fun! Can’t wait to see what you guys choose! Hope you continue to feel better!
I am so behind on blogs and had no idea you were pregnant – belated congrats!!!
Aww that is so amazing you felt her kick!! Have you thought about nursery colors yet? :0)
Yay!!! LOL I am a non-mama not pregnant, but I love these updates. You are so cute, and hope one day I get to enjoy ( and not enjoy) things like you 🙂
i varied a great deal throughout my pregnancy! walking and swimming were my go-to workouts during pregnancy!
Aww hooray for little girls!! And for picking out names. I love thinking about baby names for our future kiddos! 🙂
I think belly size can vary so much from day to day and hour to hour! I feel like I look rather large in this week’s belly photo, much bigger than I think I actually am!
I love that you’re having a girl- so exciting to think names and start picking out things for the baby. And yes, the belly size can change and absolutely looks bigger or smaller based on certain tops. I also find it’s smallest in the morning and much bigger after dinner. 🙂
It is so wonderful to feel your baby kicking. Just wait until you push and she pushes back, it is an awesome feeling. My son also got the hiccups a lot while I was pregnant, which always made me giggle! Congrats!