25 Weeks! I can’t believe in just around 100 days (wow) we will have a baby. I’m still in denial. Probably because I have been ignoring a lot of the things I am supposed to be doing. I have my glucose test Friday, and I am going to see about a hospital tour very soon as well.
Symptoms: I have been having some serious tailbone pain. Anyone else ever suffer from this? My tailbone and back have been getting pretty achy, so I am trying to pay better attention to my posture and how long I allow myself to sit without stretching, which is hard when you work from a computer! I am definitely slowing down. I took a two hour nap yesterday at 3:00 and was afraid I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep last night. I fell asleep just fine, but am still having issues STAYING asleep. I had a relapse of not being able to eat much protein this week, I nearly gagged at a restaurant which is a feeling I haven’t had in many many weeks. I feel pretty good otherwise, and am trying to enjoy the last couple of weeks of being in my second trimester before I get to the “get this baby out of me” stage.
Baby’s Size: Cauliflower
Maternity Clothes: I got a maternity swimsuit from Target last week, which was slightly depressing. Swimsuit shopping is hard enough without extra weight! It’s cute though and I am looking forward to wearing it next week.
Stretch Marks: Same
Sleep: 1-3 bathroom trips a night, it varies. 8-9 hours a night, naps on workout days.
Miss Anything: Running. Like whoa. I feel so lazy.
Cravings: All the carbs and all the chocolate. We had fried rice the other day and it was amazing.
Aversions: Proteins like chicken and beef. Bleh.
Looking Forward to: The beach! I know we are just there 3 night but it’s better than nothing!
What I’m Loving: Baby kicks! My belly! Not feeling guilty about eating ice cream multiple times a week.
Workouts: I have been trying to get outside every other day to power walk, and then I stretch and do yoga poses on the “off” days. It’s way less than I was hoping to be doing at this point but unfortunately you can’t predict how your body will react to pregnancy.
QOTD: Do you go to the beach in the summer?

I had tailbone pain with both! I did a lot of yoga stretching and changed my position a lot while sitting and that helped a little.
The best relief from tailbone pain through all 3 of my pregnancies was sleeping on my side with a pillow between my knees. It doesn’t have to be a fancy pregnancy pillow–I regular pillow worked just fine.
You’re doing great, Heather! Yes- you’re right… you have no idea how your body will handle pregnancy until you’re in the middle of it. But you look fantastic, and I’m so glad you’re enjoying the belly and all the movements, my favorite part!
Looking good! I haven’t been able to run since about 27 weeks (I’m 31 weeks now). I miss it too but it’s so uncomfortable since my baby loves to hang out low. No beach for us this year but we are going to the lake over the 4th! I can’t wait to just float on the water!
Oh, my goodness! I’ve missed some of your past updates, so it surprised me to see you with a little bump. You still look so cute and fit!
You sound just like me. I’m not having too bad of a time with tailbone pain, but I’ve experienced it a little bit when I’m not stretching enough. Posture is definitely key! I have to remind myself through the whole day to push my shoulders back and not slump . I hope you get some relief soon.
I had tailbone pain a few months ago! I sneezed one day and it popped and I would have sworn it broke. It did eventually fade, but took about 2 months. The doctors were completely unconcerned about my butt bone pain and said it’s normal. Stretching and shifting in my computer chair helped. I am 28 weeks and also missing running, but I’m just carrying too low and it hurts. They will be here before we know it!
I love your bump! Have so much fun at the beach!
Haha fried rice fixes everything!
Maternity bathing suit shopping is the worst!! Go have a great time at the beach. It will be nice to relax a bit from everything going on.
Looking great, girl! Hope you have a great time at the beach…can’t wait to see your swimsuit!
i wish we had a beach in st louis!
I am so looking forward to going to the beach this summer. We’ll be there the week of the 4th of July!