Hello third trimester! What a fun milestone to hit. I can confirm that the “honeymoon” phase of the 2nd tri is OVER and I am getting more uncomfortable every day. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful to have no serious complications so far, but I also underestimated back pain, inability to sleep, and other things that come along with this stage of pregnancy.
This is the face of someone who slept 2 hours the night before. Oy.
On Monday I had another appointment, and even an ultrasound. The tech was really great and spent a lot of time with me pointing things out, and just letting me see baby girl move around. She had her hands up by her face, feet up by her head, and was sticking her tongue out. I feel so much better after seeing her again and knowing she’s still ok.
Interesting development, baby M is measuring ahead! Like, almost two weeks ahead! The day of the appointment I was 27 weeks 6 days, and I am measuring 29 weeks four days. No wonder I feel so big! I wasn’t a big baby and neither was Bobby, so we will see what happens as we get closer.
Symptoms: Swelling (wedding ring has officially moved to my pinky) insomnia, sore back, round ligament pain, tiredness, hip pain, heartburn, hard to eat a lot of food at once/feeling very full quickly, just general uncomfortable-ness. Carrying around this extra weight has started taking it’s toll, and it’s quite humbling to be honest.
Baby’s Size: eggplant
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new
Stretch Marks: Nothing new, but belly has been a little itchy lately.
Sleep: Oh boy. Not good. Two nights ago was the worst. Felt asleep at 10:45, woke up at 12:45, was up till 4:45, took a short “nap” until just after 5. I was a zombie all day, I couldn’t thing straight and it made me sick to my stomach. Really hoping I can sleep tonight! Between the insomnia and getting up to go to the bathroom and waking up sweating it has been a long week.
Miss Anything: sslleeeppp, however I know this will only get worse
Cravings: Just sweets and cold things in this hot weather. Oh, also cheese.
Aversions: Large meals of any kind. A lot of snacking happening in the Montgomery house.
Looking Forward to: My BABY SHOWER Saturday!
What I’m Loving: Hitting that third trimester milestone really takes some of the pressure and worry off. I am loving feeling not QUITE so stressed about health of baby M this week.
Workouts: Two walks this week, I have been focusing on yoga and stretching as well as some lunges, squats, leg lifts etc. while I watch tv. I have been feeling it in my hips the next day!
QOTD: What did you do to help you sleep when pregnant?
What do you do when you AREN’T pregnant and can’t sleep?

You look great! Pregnancy insomnia is the absolute worst!
thanks! I have always been a good sleeper so it’s frustrating
I thought the no sleep thing wasn’t supposed to happen until after the baby was born? I hope you are able to get some extra sleep soon! I know that must be rough.
I know right? I thought I was supposed to be catching up on sleep now!
warm milk and yoga before bed helped me to sleep when i was pregnant. for the belly itches, try burt’s bees mama bee belly butter. it’s fantastic!
good luck from louisville.
You look great, sorry about the lack of sleep! :0(
See you soon! YAY!
2 days!
I’m normally a good sleeper but sometimes I do stress release yoga if it’s been a hectic day. It calms me down and gets me to stop harping on stuff that happened at work.
You look beautiful! I hear ya on the sleep. The best thing for me is some white noise, a shower at the end if the day with lots of lotion after and a book. I have to really work on creating a relaxing environment. Of course, there’s nothing much I can do when Baby G starts doing flips at 3am. 🙂
haha yes!
I haven’t had insomnia, thankfully but did have times when I was awakened for work or something and couldn’t fall back asleep due to the “jolt” awake. I’ve been sleeping with a Snoogle for the past few weeks and that has made things more comfortable. I can only use it on my left side – otherwise it doesn’t help at all and actually makes things worse. My biggest annoyance with sleep is waking up feeling like I have to pee and only going a tiny bit! Sigh…guess we are just getting ready for feeding wake-ups.
You do look great! I would never have guess you had only slept two hours the night prior.
yyeesss I feel like my bladder may burst then hardly go!
I remember waking up with my hips hurting so bad when I was pregnant. For the most part though I was able to sleep ok. Hope that parts gets better for you. And you look amazing!!!
No sleep advice, really. Use a body pillow, and surround yourself with other pillows.
As for the exercise, be sure to do upper body work, especially arms, if you are able. Your arms will be soooooooo sore for the first week or so after baby arrives from carrying her all day. 6-8 or so lbs doesn’t seem like much, but carrying that 24/7 you will totally feel it!
I love my snoogle but getting up to pee 4 times a night makes insomnia worse haha
I hope you have a wonderful shower!
I remember seeing how close I could get to counting exactly 60 seconds as I watched the clock roll over and over while I was pregnant. In all honesty, before the kid I was a very heavy sleeper. Now, ten years later, I wake at the slightest noise. I think it’s just part of being a mom. Good luck and just try to rest when you can.
thanks! :o)
I use pillows between my legs to help with my hips. And the last few days, I have found sleeping on the couch to be the perfect solution for my insomnia. We have a few mattresses to choose from and the one that I had thought was the best for support has not been doing well and so surprisingly the couch has been very nice! There are some nights though that I have no idea why but I’ll get the insomnia too and that sucks the next day!
yes the next day is tough!
Mmm! I could really go for some eggplant right now! 😉
That is so exciting that your baby shower is this weekend – hopefully you can get some quality sleep before it! :0) Have a blast, can’t wait to see pics!
thanks it was fun!
I use a pillow between my legs to help support my hips and get comfortable. I’m so sorry you’re suffering from insomnia. I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but it doesn’t get better after the baby is born – at least not for a few months. I would suggest a warm bath/shower, sleep with a noise maker/sound machine, I spritz a lavender bed spray on my sheets and pillow for soothing scents (from Bath & Body Works), turn the AC down to keep yourself from getting too hot, and PRAYER!!! Whenever I suffer from insomnia I always pray. I’ll usually fall back asleep before I make it to Amen.
I have a snoogle so that helps, I think part of it is we have SO much going on right now my mind is just spinning!
Have you looked into getting a QALO ring? They are just silicone wedding bands, you mostly wear them during workouts and stuff like that. But they are like 15$ for women’s rings.
interesting thanks!