So crazy to think I won’t have many more of these! I think baby M and I are both ready for this leg of our journey to be over (more me than her I imagine haha).
(sorry for the picture quality, it was starting to get dark outside).
Not a whole lot changes now form week to week, but I did have another doctor appointment yesterday that went well. Heartbeat sounds good, everything looks good, and I have gained right at 30 pounds. I am dilated just over 3 cm, so I am progressing woo hoo! I know it’s not time just yet, but we did go ahead and discuss an induction date, just in case baby M decides to overstay her welcome. I’m not sharing the date because I don’t want to ruin the baby pool. If you haven’t made a guess yet, go ahead it will be fun, and the winner gets a prize!
So let’s take a look at how this past week has been:
Symptoms: Pretty much the same as last week, just feeling huge, slow, and tired. Bobby now has to help me stand up out of the double reclining chairs we have, standing up in general is a major workout. I have been doing some serious nesting trying to get the last few boxes unpacked and the house cleaned. I try to keep everything clean and laundry done “just in case”. I think getting more things done makes me feel more calm and in control, as I am not nearly as anxious about getting things done as I was when we moved in five weeks ago. (Yes I know I still haven’t posted any house pictures, I am so sorry! I will!) Overall though, I can’t complain much about this pregnancy, just the usual symptoms besides my one big pre term labor scare.
Baby’s Size: Pumpkin! I love it. How “fall-ish” and appropriate
Maternity Clothes: I can fit into exactly 2 pairs of shorts and a handful of shirts. SO ready to wear my old stuff again!
Stretch Marks: Still hanging on without I think.
Sleep: Up and down. Some nights I only get up twice, and some nights it’s four times and I lie awake for hours at a time. I am trying to be more mindful of what I eat and drink prior to bedtime.
Miss Anything: Being able to move well on my own! It’s quite humbling to need to much assistance and be so out of breath after climbing stairs or walking across a parking lot. I am not a fan of the feeling.
Cravings: Still on cold/frozen things like popsicles, orange sherbet, slushies, and the like. But it’s still in the 90’s here as well, yuck! Also the sweet tooth is still hanging around.
Aversions: Large meals consisting of anything. Veggies. Lots of meats. Basically anything healthy.
(38 weeks vs. 28 weeks)
Looking Forward to: Meeting this baby girl and sharing her with my readers!
What I’m Loving: Knowing that the end is near, especially now that I have an induction date. I finally got a test to reveal the gender of my baby and am waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I’m so excited!
Workouts: I actually have something to report here for once. On Monday I walked just over 26 minutes, which is the longest continual walk I have done since before I was put on modified bed rest back in week 34ish. Sadly, it really wore me out (granted it was 11:00 on a sunny hot day, but still).
QOTD: Did you set a “just in case” induction date when you were pregnant? Is it still hot where you live?

You’re so close! Can’t wait to hear the good news!
I’m so excited for you! Fingers crossed this is your last update!
So excited for you Heather!!! She’s almost here!!!
Fingers crossed Baby M wants out too!
I was induced two weeks early with my daughter. Although I was scheduled to be induced about a week early with my son, he made his own appearance on Memorial Day weekend. I was so ready for my pregnancies to be over, especially those last few weeks. You will be holding your baby girl soon.
Fingers crossed you go into labor on your own! I’m sure you’re just ready to meet her. Good luck these last couple weeks (days?).
It’s crazy hot (90s) here too, so I imagine we both are extra excited about fall weather approaching! Can’t wait to stroll my little guy in the cooler air. 🙂
My “just in case” induction date is my only date. Due to complications, my doctor won’t let me go to full term and actually tried to induce me on Monday, but the hospital won’t until I’m 39 weeks, so our day is Monday. Hopefully we’ll get at least one more update from you! Good luck!
I’m so excited for you!
With both of my pregnancies (this one included) we have had to schedule ‘end of the line’ inductions as mine never want to come before or even on time. Last time I went to 42 weeks with a scheduled induction, and this time I’m still holding out but I have my date set if I don’t have her by then too. I know each pregnancy is different and each person is different but it’s funny to me to think I was a almost 2 at my 40+2 appointment and you are at a 3 at 38!
So exciting that she is almost here!
It appears that my little man is a little more excited to stay INSIDE. At 38 weeks and 5 days I was STILL not dilated at all. My doctor “made” me 1cm but I’m not convinced it stuck. We haven’t even talked induction. Just waiting for right now. I’m really hoping that things will start soon. I walked 1.5 miles this am and then did a workout DVD – but he’s probably used to it by now, so not sure that will help any!
You look great! Hang in there. She’ll be here soon.
You’re SO CLOSE! Might just be me but it looks like she’s dropping a bit 🙂 No matter what your life is about to change in the most unbelievable way!
Congrats! You’re almost there! It’s still in the 90s where I am, too (TX). Hoping the fall weather comes quickly!
My son came at 35 weeks so we didn’t have any induction dates set. He snuck up on us all! You look great – so exciting that you meet your baby soon 🙂
It’s cooling off here quite a bit. 65 degrees in the middle of the day today and that was just perfect!
I’m married to a farmer and considering I had harvest babies, we scheduled induction around the weather :)…DS1 was born day after due date and DS2 was three days early
You are so close!!! Best wishes!!! I was induced 2 weeks before my due date with my son due to high blood pressure. It took several tries — he is still a stubborn guy! My daughter arrived on her due date at 1pm — it was like she was trying not to disturb anyone. We had discussed induction the dr visit before she was born as NOTHING was going on. She came when she wanted to — ironically on her due date. Good luck whenever Baby M arrives!!
too funny!
So close! Beautiful pic, Heather. Wish you all the strength!:)