On Saturday, I participated in the Racin’ for the Seed 5k. You may remember last year Bobby ran the duathlon portion of the race, and at that time I had no idea there was a separate 5k, so I was excited to get to run it this year!
This race helped raise money for the Mustard Seed, which is the community center for adults with developmental disabilities. We had such a great time last year because they held a great event on top of a great race, so I knew this year would be fun. The race was held in a different location, and unfortunately it has been raining a lot here so it was very muddy.
That morning we had some really chilly weather, and while standing around in 48 degree temps wasn’t fun pre race, I knew it would equal perfect running weather for me. I was nervous about this race because I really wanted to beat my three year old PR, but since I have only been running one day a week, I wasn’t sure if it was possible. The race was chip timed and a small race, so I lined up towards the front but not in the very front.
I put my headphones in and started my watch having not warmed up at all. I’m the type that needs a solid mile or more of warming up, so I knew the first mile was going to be rough. We left the park and crossed over the highway into a neighborhood, turned right and immediately started going downhill. All my running buddies know what this means….yes yes, we would have to get back UP the hill at some point to re-enter the park.
I zoned out listening to my music and very much enjoyed that it was a small race because I didn’t have to do any weaving like last weekend at the Crescent City Classic! We went downhill some more, then up and down a couple of small rolling hills. My watch beeped one mile, and that split was an 8:25. A little bit fast for a first mile for me, but honestly I was panicked because I knew I would be slow my last mile because I would be going back uphill.
We made a turn to the left, confirming that we would be making a big loop through the neighborhood, and I just kept on trucking. The interesting thing about this race was that for the 5k portion, the duathlon folks and 5ker’s (like myself) were all running together, and I began hoping they had clear direction on who went what way because I didn’t remember reading anything about a turn off.
Soon we were at two miles, and I could feel myself having a harder time keeping pace. That lap was 8:25, so I was at approximately 17 minutes, giving me over 10.5 minutes until this race wasn’t a PR. I knew I was doing well, but with how I was feeling (getting nauseated from pushing hard) plus not sure what type of hill I would encounter or if the course would be long (I had been very careful to run the tangents the best I could), I wasn’t convinced I could PR.
In that last mile I kept telling myself “only one mile to go” then “only .75 to go” and “you can do anything for half a mile”. I was pretty sure I was going to finish in the upper 26:00’s which made me happy until about mile 2.70 when I got to the uphill. I pushed and pushed as hard as I could but my pace ended up slowing and the third mile was around 9:12.
I crosses back over the highway thinking I should be about to the finish by now according to my watch. I kept a lookout for where I was to turn to end the race, and apparently there was a person yelling telling us which way to go but I didn’t hear him. Thankfully I figured it out on my own and made the turn for the finish line (there was no one directly in front of me going the way I was going so I wasn’t sure!) We ended up finishing in the grass which made me nervous because of my weak ankles so I slowed up a bit, but still managed to cross in 27:13 chip time (my watch said I ran 3.17 miles) which is about a 40 second PR. I was frustrated because I wanted the 26:00’s and was so close and couldn’t stay at 3.10 even running the tangents, but that just leaves me for a goal for next time (and hopefully I can find a flatter course!)
Here is a video of me coming into the finish, and I had no idea those guys were that close behind me!
After I caught my breath and saw Bobby and Emma Kate, we headed over to the animal exhibit that had like last year. Little miss thing was OBSESSED with the ferrets. My theory is because they don’t stay still, kind of like her. Every time I would set her on the ground she would run over to the cage.
She was so cute petting them, we told her to be sweet and love them and she put her head down on it, it was adorable.
We also saw Inky the clown who made her a balloon animal that I promptly took away because she tried to eat it.
Also, Frank the camel was back! We had to get a picture since I had one holding EK last year (see below)
I will have to say this race was excellent in so many ways. Great entertainment for the kids and family (a band played as well) and yall, they had SO MUCH FREE FOOD for the runners! I’m talking pizza, sandwiches, bagels, cookies, cakes, chicken tenders, bananas, PowerAde, chocolate milk, all from local restaurants and bakeries. It was amazing.
We hung around for awards because there were only about 110 people in the 5k, and 26 all together in my age group of 30-39, so I was curious to see how I faired. Turns out, I faired well!
Emma Kate went with me to get my second place award for my age group.
It was really sweet. The adults from the Mustard Seed hand painted mugs for the age group winners, and we each took a photo with our award and one of the “seedsters” as they are called.
Everyone who signed up for the race also got a t-shirt and a coaster hand painted by a seedster as well. So cute!
This is such a great race and I highly recommend it if you are in the Jackson, MS area (the race was in Brandon for those familiar). Everything was GREAT except I prefer flatter races (who doesn’t right?) AND it was a nightmare trying to get out of the park after because the only way out was the way cyclists and runners were coming in and out of as well, so it was a complete mess and we waited forever, so hopefully they will fix that next year, but otherwise I give it two thumbs up!
QOTD: Have you ever gotten a handmade race award? Favorite post race food?

Congrats on the PR and the age group award! Sounds like a great race, and I love that the awards were handmade.
Thank you! Yes I thought it was so fun and unique!
Wow that is CRAZY speedy for only running once a week, it sounds like all that boot camp is really helping you! I really need to start doing some strength training, I admittedly slack big time on that!
Congrats on the PR and the age group award!
Thank you! We run a little in boot camp (sprints and what not) but never anything over a mile, so I am a true testament to lift more, run less!
What a fun day! Congrats on your PR… you go girl!! I would have been nervous about running on the grass though too… yikes!
Thank you! Yes I was stepping so lightly because it was muddy!