Exciting news! I will be running the Jazz half marathon in New Orleans, and I have an amazing sponsor, Rebootizer! I first heard of and met the lovely folks from Rebootizer at Healthy Living Summit in Boston. They After I went home, I had a chance to catch up with them via e mail, and was able to tell them about the Jazz half in New Orleans. I ran this half back in 2010, and have been dying to do it again.
I love the Jazz half because it supports the cancer program at Children’s Hospital. A little about Children’s Hospital:
Children’s Hospital treats more Louisiana kids with cancer than all other facilities combined. Children’s Hospital’s LaNasa-Greco Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders treats more than 1,100 children with cancer each year, and our hospital has a policy of never turning away a child who needs the care we offer, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. The hospital provides treatment for children with leukemia, lymphoma, tumors, anemia, hemophilia, and other childhood cancers.
So amazing, and I am so excited to be a part of this race to benefit the Children’s Hospital and to represent Rebootizer. So, what exactly is Rebootizer? Let me tell you!
By drinking Rebootizer, powerful antioxidants and digestive properties can support your body to fight oxidative stress by helping to clean toxins accumulated through excesses, before they become harmful. "Oxidative Stress" is an imbalance that arises when our cells cannot adequately destroy the free radicals. The higher the imbalance, the more it can be a precursor to the body’s dysfunctions and have an impact on the aging process.
In addition to long-term effects, temporary oxidative stress generated by junk food, alcohol, caffeine and smoking also has harmful short-term effects. The morning after price of this imbalance can include a pounding headache, fatigue, cotton mouth, queasy stomach and a weakened immune system.
I plan to take Rebootizer after I workout as a recovery drink. It’s also great to take when you feel run down, are feeling dehydrated, when flying on a plane, or anywhere you may feel like you need a “reboot”. Rebootizer comes in these really cool and convenient pouches, that are great to use anywhere, anytime.
I am just touching the surface here, more info on Rebootizer to come!
You can buy Rebootizer on their website, and also learn more about them. They also have a Twitter account and Facebook page. Stay tuned, I will be sharing more about Rebootizer as I train for the race, and my experience with it personally and how it helps me with my running. I can’t wait to share more with you! If you have any questions feel free to contact me, I would love to answer!
QOTD: Have you ever run a race for a good cause? I would love to hear about it.
How do you “reboot” your body when you are feeling run down?

These rebootizers are AMAZING! I used one that I received at the healthy living summit after a Longgg run and I felt back to “normal” much faster than usual, I really like them! I also used one after a wedding for another kind of dehydration and my husband was really sad he passed on it 😉
Sounds like fun! Yay for Jazz Half….loved that race! :0) Are you going to dress up?
Congratulations, by the way! :0)
So exciting!! And such a great race, benefitting the children’s hospital like that
yes! it’s a great cause!
Whenever I feel “energy-less”…I do the Tony Robbins hand clap, smile, and then get my butt to the gym…works like a charm!
Very cool! good luck!!
How fun! I love Rebootizer!
Cool new partnership, congrats, girl!!
thank you!
Exciting news! The people are Rebootizer are just lovely– great to hear you’ll be working with them. 🙂 After a long week, I feel like I could use a little reboot!
I hear ya, it was a long week!
So happy you have a sponsor!! That’s awesome!! Happy Friday!
Jazz is where i set my PR. Hoping to set a new one this time around. It is a good (FLAT) course.
I’m so excited that you have a sponsor!
My husband and I are doing the Jazz Half! We are going to register for it tomorrow after we do our 10 mile long run! We are so excited! This is our first half! We ordered some of the items you mentioned in your “fuel” blog to start trying for our long runs! Thanks for your encouragement!
Have a happy Friday!
that’s great hope to see you there!! GL on the long runs!
I started running as part of a charity team. It was for the SF AIDS foundation. Raised over $4000 and ran my very first (and very hard) marathon. Something I will never forget and always be proud of.
that’s awesome!
I got two packs of Rebootizer in swag bags from events at BlogHer (#sweatpink events 🙂 ) and still haven’t tried them. I should since after being sick this week I could certainly use a reboot!
That’s awesome that you get to run this race, support a great cause and represent Rebootizer! I haven’t had a chance to try it and look forward to hearing more about it. I did the NYC Triathlon many years ago as part of Team in Training. It definitely made training and completing the event so much more meaningful.
Awesome that you found a sponsor you like so you can run the half!
Yayy! I’m running that race too! It’s my first time and have heard nothing but good things! Can’t wait!