Catching up from the weekend?
Snow Birds
Relax, You’re Here
RWS Features #9
So in case you missed it, Bobby and I headed out of town on Thursday afternoon for a weekend getaway, which ended up being so much fun and exactly what we needed. Sad to be back to reality though. I am headed to yoga this morning, then it’s back to work.
In five days, I will embark on my first ultra-marathon relay.
My 6 man team will cover over 128 miles in a day. Our van is going to smell awful, but we are going to have FUN! This is the first relay for all of us, but we have done research, asked experienced rely runners a lot of questions, and I think we have good grip on what it will be like. With that being said, I give you…my packing list! I hope this will help anyone preparing for a relay, and also, please let me know if there is something I am leaving out!
-ziploc bags
-one running outfit per leg (5 legs)(skirt, top, sports bra, socks)
-running shoes
– body glide
-baby wipes
-first aid kit
-water bottle
-cell phone/charger
-toilet paper
-trash bags
-paper towels
-brush/hair ties
-GO Sport ID
-drivers license
AS A TEAM we will also have things like:
-shoe polish and other van decorations
-protein bars
-fuel (powerade, Nuun, drink chia)
-peanut butter
-string cheese
-utensils/ziploc bags/paper plates
-flashlights/vests/headlamps/butt lights
Ok guys, what am I forgetting?
No, Bella…you can’t come.
QOTD: What are your thoughts on last nights half time show with Madonna?

A relay will be so much fun! Your list looks good, although too bad no dog!
I thought the show was ok, nothing more. I missed the MIA bird, I guess. This will show my age, but I’d rather just see Madonna sing than put up with all the other dancing, etc. I just find it distracting to really enjoying the music.
You may want to bring along a bottle of Febreze…just saying’ 😉
that is actually on the list I just forgot to write it! We are going to be so stinky!
Glad you enjoyed your weekend! I’ve never done a relay race but it sounds like you have everything covered with the packing, you even have things I wouldn’t have thought of so yeah.
Beer for the finish line? 😉
Thanks for this post. I just registered for my first half in two weeks, so I’m already starting to work on my packing list.
check out this post!
I’m. Zero. Help. Except for cheering you on! 🙂
If anyone wears contacts, don’t forget to bring an extra pair of lenses or two, re-wetting drops, and glasses just in case. Good luck!!!
wow what a list!
and good points from Steve about contacts and rewetting drops…I would be blind w/o my contacts!
sure you & the team will rock the event!
Madonna…was ok…nothing great but danged she looks great for her age!
she does look good for her age but I also think she is afraid to age and starting to look expression-less!
I’m so jealous you’re doing this kind of relay! I want to do one SO badly. Can’t wait to hear how it goes 🙂
Your list looks good, although I’ve never run a relay before!
I love Madonna a lot…but I don’t think last night was awesome 🙁 I think girlfriend should have worn sneakers instead of stilettos and that might have helped the situation 🙂
Awesome list!! I would add one thing, Vaseline (but it’s probably already in your first aid kit). I won’t go to a race without it anymore. Great for any possible after chaffing action.
I briefly saw the half time show. It was MG’s bedtime so I was preoccupied trying to get him to sleep. I think I might youtube it during lunch.
Good luck with your upcoming relay. Sounds great!
I bodyglide pretty much my entire body when I run. I chafe like crazy esp in this humid climate. yuck!
Oooo this is a great post! I am thinking about doing the Reach the Beach 200 mile relay in the fall, and will be bookmarking this list to help me prepare! 🙂
oh that sounds fun!
Wow, that is amazing that you are going to do an ultra-marathon relay!! I’m not experienced with racing in any way, shape, or form, so I can’t really help you out with other things to take haha. But, I can’t wait to hear all about it!
I am so excited. We are going to be exhausted but it’s going to be so fun!
You’ve got a pretty good list. Maybe a neck pillow? Or another kind of pillow to catch a quick nap?
Oh, and chapstick!
oh pillow good idea!
128 miles in a day?! Think of all of the fro- yo places you’re gonna pass! Don’t forget a bottle of wine for the’re gonna wanna toast this finish line in style! I’d also pack your magic tinker bell wand…it couldn’t hurt 🙂
Haha I know right? Oh honey we finish in NOLA, the post race party will have alcohol lol! The wand may have to make an appearance!