Hello friends! I am finally back home! I still have a lot of unpacking and catching up to do, but I wanted to let you guys know I am still alive, and I have a lot of fun recaps coming your way, plus a giveaway so hang in there. Today I thought I would tell you about the race expo, then I still have to recap the blogger meet up, an interview I did with some famous TV stars from Mexico, the race, the cool hotel experience I had, and of course the cruise!
We were actually only in Orlando for 24 hours, but a LOT happened in those hours. First after landing Friday I ran over to the Cigna blogger meet up with Megan, and then we went to the runDisney expo to get our packets for the half the next day. We had dinner at California Grill at 5:00 so sadly I didn’t get to spend near as much time at the expo as I would have liked, but I still got to soak up the runDisney magic and see some friends.
First we picked up our race packets. It was weird “only” doing the half, since last time we participated in marathon weekend we ran dopey!
Ready to run! or something like that (wait, we have to run? I haven’t really trained!)
LOVE my new rundisney ears! They don’t give me terrible headaches like the ones from the parks. Maybe I just have a large noggin?
We of course had to take the obligatory instagram photo before heading over to check out the merchandise. The guy asked how we wanted to pose and we said “something funny” and he just looked at us like we were crazy. No worries! We shall come up with something on our own!
Hello expo floor, oh how I have missed you!
A closer look at the shoes, and I dig them.
I made my way to the Raw Threads booth (adorable stuff yall, go check them out!) and had a quick chat with my buddy Bobbi! Was great to see her again.
I also ran over to my favorite running skirts brand and said hello to my former colleague and the sweetest girl in Minnie ears ever, Michelle!
We literally flew through the official merchandise, I got an I did it shirt (I always get one) and a shirt for Emma Kate that says “future runner, catch me if you can” SO stinkin cute). and unfortunately we had to grab a cab back to the hotel so we could change for dinner.
I wish I had gotten to spend some more time shopping and saying hello to other friends working expo booths, but there will always be other races, and hopefully for those I will be in town more than 24 hours!
QOTD: Is there an item you buy at every race expo?

Oh I ALWAYS get an I Did It shirt….if they have any left. I’ve always gotten there the second day the expo is open so merchandise is limited. For Princess this year though I will be there the first day and plan to be at the expo when it opens!!! LOVE the new ears!!! The ones from the park hurt my head so bad but I always suffer through it because they are so cute lol! Where did yours come from???
A lady on Instagram called the bow mama!
I was so sad I couldn’t enjoy the expo. I always look forward to them. Unfortunately, I had both kiddos by myself and they wouldn’t let me bring the stroller into the expo hall. It was hard enough to juggle the kiddos WITH the stroller. But without it, I was a freakin mess.
yeah its way too crowded for strollers. Bummer you didn’t get to enjoy it!
What’s different about those ears vs the ones in the park?
I bought these from a lady who hand makes them on Instagram and the headband part is looser 🙂
Fun fun! I love rundisney expos! My go to items are the I did it shirts and a coffee mug! 🙂
I’m boycotting mugs until they are dishwasher safe…maybe..haha
What was the name of the vendor selling the running skirts. I was there today and meant to get a card and forgot.
Running skirts.com